I SHOULD be paying attention.

Buttttttt....I just can't. It is literally impossible for me to be interested in Geology 1010 taught by Mr. I don't know how to have one ounce of fun. Ever. And, I cut my own bangs. Disregard that little rant... you won't understand too much of it unless you are Katelyn, but thassss okay! But you get the point. I would rather scrape my eyeballs out with dull spoons than sit in this class one minute longer.

Soooo to avoid eyeball scraping, I will simply sit in class--looking like I am taking notes, but really, blog about all the random things in my mind right now. Take that sir!

Last night I had the best dream of myyy life! You guessed it, it was indeed about the boy on a mission and it was superb! You know how they have those like "take your daughter" to work days? Well, it just so happened to be "Take your girlfriend on your mission with you, day!" and I did just that, I went to Brazil with Cam for one whole day and he showed me all sorts of nifty things and we had a grand ol time. Except we couldn't touch. That sucked. But anyways! At the end of the day he took me back home (yep, to STG..he is such a gentleman) and we walked into my house, and everybody was asleep and so I said goodnight and started to walk into my room and he chased after me and gave me a giant hug, and we hugged for 2932438 minutes. Greatest. Thing. Ever. and then he left, and I woke up a very happy girl :]

Let's just do a number update here real quickly, shall we?
39 days left in the semester.
40 days left until I leave for Idaho!
48 days left until Christmas!
56 days left until I leave for the lands of Thai!! (Yes, I am now more excited than I am nervous...for now anyways.)

Annnnddd.....325 days left until Cam is home! ...Just had to throw that in there, for good measure :D

Anyways, this post was completely pointless what you know what, one day I will come back and read this and be like "Oh yeah! I hated Geology, and Oh yeah! I remember that dream!" And it will all be worth it! Riiiiight?

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