Let's Just Take a Moment..

And discuss how incredibly romantic
The Royal Wedding was.
For real?! I am in love with them.
Cutest couple.
And you know what?
Even William was looking quite dapper.
I might even marry him!
And of course she looked gorgious.

Ah man, I could gush for days.
I wonder if there are any other available Princes lying around.
Russian Princes?
I heard someone say this on the radio Friday morning.
"He looked like a little love-sick boy,
marrying the girl of his dreams"
Love. It.

You've....had a Birthday shout Hooray!

Please take a moment to enjoy the above picture.

That lady in the electric chair had a Birthday!
She would hate that I am posting about it..
because for some reason,
on the day when the world is supposed to revolve around you..
she doesn't want all the attention!
I may be 2 days late...
But she's getting it!

Happy Birthday Momma Cita Bean Barrita!
Thanks for being born.
I don't know where I would be without you!
...for real though.

I would continue on with how much I love her..
and what an amazing example she is to me.
But, Mothers day is next week.
So stay tuned!