One Day..

It is incredible how many things there are to do and experience in this life. Seriously, there are a million things and if we are lucky we get to experience even a fraction of what this world has to offer. I love adding to this list of possibilities, though it may not be possible to finish it all in this life, I sincerely hope we are given the chance in the next.

-Graduate College for good.
-Do some sort of Volunteer trip to a country I have never been to. Thailand January-May 2012! With ILP
-Fly somewhere just to spend the day.
- Attend a major sporting event (Superbowl, NBA finals, something awesome-sauce of that nature)
- Visit every temple in Utah.
- Kiss a complete stranger. - Phuket 2012 
- Own a Range Rover. Cream with black/cream interior... awww yeah.
- Get married to a boy I adore in the Temple! (Preferably the Manti..but I am willing to be flexible)
-Go to the Fesitval of Colors in Provo
-Meet a celeb.  - Totally met Travis Pastrana June 2011! 
-Learn how to play the piano....good.
- Have chillens! ...4-6 preferably.
- Bring someone to know and love the Gospel.
- Go on a cruise.
- Do Kareoke
- Roadtrip the whole Coast of Cali-For-Ni-A.
-Ride an Elephant  Booo ya!! Chiang Mai-Thailand Trip-Spring Semester 2012
-Play with some sort of wild animal. - Played with Tigers in Chiang Mai 2012...Trip #2! .. adorable! 
- Spend one whole day at the spa being pampered.
- See the northern lights.
- Go on a big vacation on a whim.
-Kiss a foreigner - Phuket 2012 ... hahah... sorry mom! 
- Eat a whole pan of brownies in one sitting.
- Run a marathon.
-Compete in a Triathalon
- Cry because I am so happy.
- Learn to surf.
- Snorkle/scuba dive. - Phi Phi Islands 2012. I am the worst snorkler evver. I'm sure of it. 
-Swim with dolphins.
-Finallly jump the wake while wakeboarding.
- Learn to sew.
- Learn to cook
- Read a whole book in one day.
- Adopt a shelter animal.
- Walk on the great wall of China
- Swim in a waterfall in a different country. In the mountains of Chiang Mai- Spring Semester 2012
- Experience a different religion if only for a day. Visited two Buddist temples in Thailand (1/27/12) and participated in a candle lighting/insense/fortune ceremony. Awesome! 
- See the Taracotta Warriors.
- Change my life for the better.
- Eat something I would NEVER dream of eating. Congealed blood--1st day in Thailand..yuuuck. 
- Face a fear.
- Read the Book of Mormon completely.
- Spend a whole day doing service for others.
- Go on splits with Sister Missionaries.
- Make friends with a complete stranger from far away. - Met so many amazing friends in Thailand! Yogev from Isreal. Kieran, Ravi, Scootsie, and Dave all from Perth Australia! 
- Complete a work of art.
- Hike Angel Falls in Venezula.
- Attend an Olympic event.
- Coldplay/Lady Gaga/Celien Dion/JB conert...I'm willing to be flexible
- Go on a gondala ride.
-Bungee Jump, for real for real.  1...2...3...BUNGEE!! Thailand X-Treme Sports center Spring 2012. 
- Be amazed.
-Discover something I truly cannot live without.
- Surprise someone in a BIG way.
-Get a Tattoo? hahah kiiidding...but seriously, Henna would be cool. - Henna in Phuket! On my foot, loovvved it. Would be lying if it didn't tempt me to get a real one! ... but I're welcome, Mom. :) 
- Plant a garden.