Engaged...say what?!

You guys... I'm an engaged woman.
I've promised my hand.
I have a Fiance.
I AM a Fiance.
My parents have given their permission.
I have a giant rock on my left ring finger.
The temple is booked.

There have been a few times in my life where I sat there and thought "Wow, this is probably the best day of my life." But here's the thing.... I lied. Because yesterday was the most perfect day and I literally did not want it to end. I smiled from ear to ear for probably a solid 7-8 hours and couldn't fall asleep because I couldn't come down from my high. I was dating the most perfect boy ever for me. And then he decided he liked me enough to marry me! So he proposed, and most of my family was involved, and it was perfect and everything I ever imagined and sneaky and suprising and I cried. Yep, I cried.

Finally all the anxiety was over. I could set my detective gear aside, and the nightly dreams of proposals stopped. I was engaged to my best friend, the hottest guy I know, and the person who makes me laugh harder than ever. To say I was on cloud 9 is an understatement.

It Happened Like This....

Let's start with Valentines Day. Actually, let's go back even further. Ryan had always joked about how he would never propose on Valentines...and about how he'd do it the next day instead just to be a brat but I never thought he was for real. Okay, flashback over. Back to Valentines Day. Ryan had to work 4-10:30 that night so he came over about two, roses in hand, to take me to lunch. We went to Red Robin and it of course was perfect and fun.I gave him a silly card, we spent a couple hours together and then he headed off to work. We met up later that night at his house so I could give him his Valentines Day "Bro"-quet where he later informed me that the second part of my Valentines day, I would recieve tomorrow. You guys...I DIDN'T THINK ANYTHING OF IT. But of course I pried a little bit, and asked for a hint. He strummed a chord on his guitar and told me that was my hint. I was convinced he had finally written me that song I'd been asking for for so long....

Tay and Darren happened to be in town this weekend (Missed my Willards so hard!)  so I headed over to Kenz's early Friday afternoon to spend some time with my darling baby nephews and I guess everybody else too.. ;) I knew Ryan didn't have work or school that day and we had talked about getting together that night for dinner. I also knew that Ry was headed off to Mathis to play some frisbee golf with his brother around 1 o'clock. When 4:30 rolled around and I STILL had not heard from the kid... I will admit to being a little peeved. So I called him and asked what was going and If I was going to see him today or what? And he replied like this....

"Idunno, I'm going to hope in the shower.. and then I will call you, and let you know what's going on either way"

I was ticked! Hi. My name is Kaitlen, we've been dating for seven months, uhhh......does that mean anything to you? So of course I vented to all my sisters/sister-in-laws and probably even the infants about what a dumb Ryan was being and headed back from the park to Kenz's house. The guys had just got home from golfing so there we all were lounging around at Kenz's house. I decided I had had enough and was just going to go home to see my sick-in-bed momma, but first I really wanted Tay to dye/tweeze my eyebrows.

So here I am, after looking cute ALL DAY. All day people.... here I am laying on the couch, dark eyebrow dye lingering in my brows and Taylor going at them with tweezers when all the sudden she stops, walks away....the boys pause their video game...and everybody kind of clusters together. I grabbed my phone and realized Ryan had texted me a few minutes ago and said "Did you notice that your roses only had 11 in them yesterday?" And I'm thinking...."Yeah, because I sat there and counted them Ry, really?" but before I could reply with my sarcastic remark, I sat up and turned around and there was my favorite boy! Dressed so cute, with one giant long stemmed rose and his guitar.

Cue the tears. He proceeded to play for me and sing me what i'm sure was the sweetest song.... but I do not remember a word. I was a space-cadet for sure. And I kept saying how embarrassed I was that my eyebrows were bushy and dark. I remember him saying a line about me being my "Parents little girl" which I thought was very cute...and cried more. And then he said something that ryhmed with "Marry me" .... and then he just strummed....and strummed....and strummed...and then finally sung "Marry me" Then that handsome devil of a man handed off his guitar, got down on one knee, used my full name, and asked me to marry him.

And I said no.
The end.

hahahah...i'm so funny. I hugged that boy and kissed him and I think my family clapped and such. And then he slipped the most beautiful, perfect ring on my finger! ....and I haven't stopped smiling, or staring at it since.

And then we proceeded to take the most attractive post-engagement picture ever.
Not. Seriously, look at those brows. And we are matching. It's fine.

Okay, so we've only been engaged for just over 24 hours.... but I LOVE RYAN BEING MY FIANCE!!! Seriously, he's probably sick of me telling him how happy I am, and calling him fiance, and asking him if we can just get married right now. But boy do I love that guy! How lucky am I that I get to spend stinkin eternity with this handsome fella!?

dfjashdfkljashdfjkasdsdfasdgds That's basically all I have left to say.
I can't even form words. I'm such a spaz.
A happy, in love, excited, giddy, engaged spaz that is.

July 19th, 2013
Be there! Or be square I guess..


Heyyyy youuuu guyyyyyyyysss....

I only have two three things to say at this moment. 

  1. Anxious, anxious, anxious, anxious, excited, excited, excited, excited....stupid girl emotions! 
  2. Ryan is the best/worst secret keeper in this world. 
  3. Saying goodnight to Ry every night is literally the hardest thing. Booo... Can't we just watch Cake Boss all night? 

Okay, I realize this post is mainly about Ryan... but give me a break alright? I kind love that boy!