Don't mind me...

I don't usually post about first dates... because a first date is really just that, a first date. Nothing spectacular, nothing to report on.  Over the last 9 months, every first date has left me less than enthused for a second date. (With the exception of one... who turned out to be Thee biggest Peter Pan Boy of them all).

Tonight I have a date.
I kind of want to vomit.
I don't know what my problem is.
Nerves I'm sure. But why? I don't get nervous for 1st dates. Ever!
Probably because of The way it all happened...

Let me paint a picture for those of you at home.

Thursday I walk into Moms work to pick her up so I could use her to go to Costco and get my passport pictures taken. (They are cheaper there peeps!) This is not unusual, I often go to Moms work to drop her a smoothie, or just chat, or to pick her up on her lunch break. Not Unusual. It is also not unusual for Larry and Jim, two of my moms co-workers  to tease me and sit around chatting with us. However, the following scene.. I can honestly say I have never experienced in my life, up until this point.

Enter Jim: "Kaitlen, do you need to go on a date?" 
Myself: " Not really! But if you're asking Jim... I will go" 
Jim: "Noo not me, I'm old.. and Fat, and Balding..." 
Myself: "And Married with children..." 
Jim: "My Cousin, Brad. He works here! He just sent his girlfriend away to Maine" 
Myself: .... Laughter. 
Jim: "I'm just going to call him down to my office, just check him out as he walks by. Let me know what you think... and then I will give him your number later" 
Myself: "You have got to be kidding me! No!"
Enter a very diligent looking Brad headed to the Boss's office. 

By this time, Jim..Larry..My mother... and another coworker have all gathered at my Moms desk... Run Brad! Run as fast as you can! 

Clueless Mother having no Idea that I was just supposed to be "Checking Brad out": "Oh Brad! Just ask her for her number and get it over with!" 

*Facepalm, Jaw drop, Eyes Bulge, Fainting, etc. etc* 

Let me now attempt to make an already long story, a little less long. Brad comes over confused as ever as to why there are multiple people telling him to get a complete strangers number. I am bright red. He is so confused.. poor boy. Then everybody just LEAVES! That's right, they set this incredibly awkward scene, and then they just bail. However, Mom is still at her desk attempting to look busy and Brad and I sit there making small talk. Which admitantly was not hard at all . But that is not the point. After about 20 minutes of small talk, Mom pretending to be "busy" but secretly spying, a few different walkie-talkie "Just do it" calls. Brad says "Well, would you like to go out sometime" Right smack dab in front of my mother. Points for the bravery sir.

And so there you have it. Thee most awkward moment to date. I think this even surpasses the time I told a guest at work: " We have you up on the sex floor tonight...... oops, I mean second floor" ... I swear my mind was not in the gutter. It was just a rough night verbally.

I don't know if I want to vomit for One, or all of the following reasons.

  1. The poor kid was basically bullied into taking me out. 
  2. We went to High School together, I never knew him and his girlfriend. But I knew of them. They were that sickeningly perfect-together-we-are-getting-married-and-going-to-live-happily-ever-after. Couple. 
  3. Now, Said girl is in Maine, and he is here.. being forced to take his co-workers kid out. 
  4. He still hasn't told me what time, I am a planner. How am I supposed to plan! 
  5. I have a zit. I don't get zits! And it doesn't help that it is the size of a small person. Greattt. 
Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit...... Wish me luck! 

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