Peter Pan Boys.

A long time ago, Cam and I discussed the "waiting" situation while he was on his mission. At first I was adamant about dating while he was gone "I'm not going to just sit around for Two years Cam" and he was a little less enthused about the idea... but he half-heartedly agreed. As the time before he left got shorter...and shorter and shorter. Iiii was a little bit more, clingy "I will never date another boy as long as I live! You are the only one for me ever!" or something like that. And that little butt face turned the tables on me and insisted that I date while he was away. Key word date. Not get married. It really was not a hard decision, and we have worked out a system that works perfectly. He serves the Lord with all his little heart like an awesome missionary... and I date, and don't tell him about it. And send him lots of stuff. haha okay, that sounds terrible! But seriously, that is pretty much how it goes. And you know what, it works for us for right now. But here's the thing...I think this was his plan all along, to have me "date" so I think that I am all cool and junk, and am free to L my L (Live my life...for those of you who are not "Camlen" word savy) while he just kicks back in Brazil knowing that Heavenly Father thinks he is just hilarious and will put a bunch of irritating boys in my life and make Cam look like even more of a gem. Hoollly run-on sentence. Anywhoo! In my casual dating encounters..I have discovered what I like to call the ....
Peter Pan Boys:
  • These boys are usually really really ridiculously good looking.
  • These boys would rather hang out with unlimited amounts of boys instead of one girl.
  • And if they do decide to make the switch from boy to girl... she is usually just as equally manly as the men he is used to hanging out with.
  • On the rare occassion that he decides to be with a girl that smells good and probably couldn't beat you up....magic happens and you feel like you could fly,'s always a good time.
  • And then you don't hear from them for weeks. But not because they are with another girl. Nope, of course it is because they are with all their boyfriends.
  • And then you get to hear from the confused best friend after he askes how you guys are... and after you proceed to tell him there is no "You guys" that "well, he really liked you he is probably just afraid of commitment" Awesome. Because that's just what i'm looking for at 19 years old. Somebody to put a ring on it. 
  • Often times they are 21+ years of age, living the dream, living off of daddys money, driving his benz, boating every other day, and upset when you can't because well, you have a job. 
  • Peter Pan Boys wouldn't even think of dating a girl unless all of his buddies were dating somebody too. 
Peter Pan Boys Refuse to Grow Up. 

I am fully aware that this post is a bit on the negative side. But seriously boys?! Grow the heck up. Get a job. Take off your tights and green slippers, quit fairy-ing around and for goodness gracious spend even HALF of the effort you spend on your bromance, on a girl.

1 comment:

  1. No like ferreals, I love your blog. A lot. I am now what they call "A big fan" :)
