Months Seven & Eight

For realll. 
I feel like such a terrible person. 
I have failed to blog about Cams 
last TWO months. 
Ohh bother. 
It's true, It's true.. 
Months 7 and 8 have come and gone. 
I cannot believe it either. 
I literally Just blogged about  month Six! 
But I am not complaining! 
Elder Ricker is doing just fabulous. 
He is still in Itapua I think this is his 3rd transfer there? 
He got a new companion, Elder Favreu.. 
The boys are seriously in love. 
They are both studying Political Science
I guess they have tons in common. 
And whenever I get a voice recording from the kid, 
a good portion of it is him and Elder F....just cracking up! 
They have unlimited baptisms a week.. cereal. 
"We are going to have a baptism this weekend... 
we don't know who yet, but there will be one" 
And just like that. 
A new member  of the church. 
The boy is on fire! 
Missionary work is Awesome. 
Cam is Awesome. 
Time flying? ... that is super awesome! 
And a little scary.. :] 

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