
This last Friday Night
These guys...riiiight here 
Came and played a concert in Springdale. 
Sooo fun! 
It was kind of a last minute decision 
but so glad that we went! 
Danielle and I drove out there, where we met up with Maddy, Tim and Nicole.  
These guys were so good! They sounded as good, if not better live. 
Maddy, Danielle and I admired the lead singer and his attractiveness. 
But we all agreed that it was probably only because he could sing so good..
The electric guitar player however... 
holy smokes. If he would have asked me to marry him right there. 
I definately would not have even hesitated. 
We clearly jammed out in the "mosh pit" 
where I got all kinds of aggressive and thanks to a little help..
totally touched the lead singers back with my right hand fingers. 
It was fantastic, and I swore I would never wash my hand again. 
But I forgot...and now his DNA is forever lost from my finger tips. 
Thanks Maddy, for letting me steal this from your blog. 
Erbody? Ignore the sick-nast of this picture. 
k, thanks. 
Now..Please enjoy this ridiculously cute song that they sing. 
I'm in love with it. 

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