June 12th, 2006

I don't want to get all cheesy and say that June 12th, 2006 was a day that would change my life forever. 
So I will spare you the cheeseball-ness and say this instead: 

I knew that June 12th, 2006 would be a fan-freaking-tastic day. I even knew that the rest of the week would be amazing. However, I didn't know that on that day I would meet 4 individuals that would remain some of my closest friends, and One Individual that at first I would dislike, but who quickly would become, and remain my very best friends.

I could go through this post and do my best to tell you all that I remember about that week at EFY. But I feel like I may have forgotten some of the small details that made that week truly incredible for my 14 year old self. SO, I will let my 14 year old self tell you with inserts from my journal about that week. **Keep in mind, at this time.. I was completely obsessed with Cams best friend Spencer...Cam and I didn't like each other, yet** 

June 12th, 2006 

Wow it's been awhile since I have written in here! Well right now I am at EFY and it so far has been A LOT of fun! Our company is really cool and our leaders are fun too! Me and Katelyn drove up with her parents today and it was a quick drive! We are in devotional right now and we talked about the restoration. It's amazing isn't it? What one man would go through just to make us the happiest we could be. Our leader Ruthanne said that we should try to find our own "Sacred Grove" to pray and ask heavenly father if he knows and loves us.. I think I might try that! 

June 14th, 2006

Hey again! I have had THEE funnest week of my life! EFY is the best experience and to tell ya the truth it took me awhile to get into it! At first I wasn't too excited!
Okay.. just for the record this is a complete lie. I don't know why I felt I needed to lie to my diary? I was SO excited. I probably slept a total of 3 hours the night before we left, It was like Christmas Eve on Crack! Anyways, yesterday (Tuesday) we had a dance and OMG! It was A BLAST! I had so much fun just hanging out with the girls and slow dancing with the guys. I got asked to dance every dance but one! We have another one friday that is formal and I'm so excited. Tomorrow is spiritual day! Weee! The boys in our company are a total blast and I met this way cute kid named Spencer. He is way fun! Some of my new guy friends are Logan, Jake, Cody, Spencer, Daniel and some others. Well, it's time to eat pizza! Yay! Notice that Cam is not mentioned in my "New Guy Friends" hahaha... I'm telling you, we really did not like each other. 

June 15th, 2006

Oh my gosh. I don't even know how to begin this entry. Tonight was the most amazing night of my life! We had testimony meeting and for the first time in my whole life I can say I know without any doubt that this is the true church of God and nothing, nobody, or anything can keep me from believing that. It was amazing, most of our group got up and bore their testimony. Tanner, Spencer, Jake, Daniel, Micah, Nicole, Vereda, Chelsie, Darci, Maddie, Melanie, Hayle, Kate, Dillan & Others. Hahahah... notice that Cam is STILL not mentioned. Though I clearly remember him getting up also. Our Fireside was amazing also. Spencer escorted me and I was Very happy because he is a hunk and he is so spiritual! He bore his testimony and I cried. And on the way back he escorted me again (Yes, you could say that we like each other). Hahah.. reading this NEVER gets old. What a confident 14 year old I was.. The whole way back we just talked about how amazing that experience was. Today has been so great, only one day left :( 

June 16th, 2006

Today was the last day of EFY and let me tell ya... it was NOT easy. Yeah, I bawled again haha. I am going to miss this SO much. The boys, Clearly, we can see where my Priorities were.. the friends, the counselors, everything! Tonight we had a dance (Our last one) and me and Spencer danced to areosmiths "Don't wanna miss a thing" and it was so much fun. I am going to miss that boy so much it's crazy. I really hope that we keep in touch or I will bawl my eyes out! Drama Queen! Aww yeah, 5 years and counting sportsfans! 

"Madison told us today that her sister met some boy at EFY when she was 14, and it has been 6 years and they are STILL friends! Crazy huh? I wonder if any of us will still be friends 6 years from now.." 

I like to think that Heavenly Father knew exactly what he was doing 5 years ago when he made EFY BYU fill up too quickly for Katelyn and I to get in. And when 3 boys from Idaho decided to go to EFY to "pick up some chicks ;]''  I like to think it was all part of the "plan". Not only for them to change our lives for one week, but to continue to do so as we all figured out how to grow up together. 

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