We Were Young, Seemed Like Life Would Go On, Forever...

Dear Cameron Dale, 

I miss you a lot today. I'll admit it! Instead of writing you a quick email like I normally might. I will just flood my blog with some of my very favorite pictures of us/you :] 

For some reason I love this picture. I remember this moment very clearly. 
We had just uhh... "Barrowed" some drinks from the near by company party thing at Lagoon. 
You were sooo hot and thirsty. I have never seen you more excited for free drinks. 
We were waiting in line for the Rocket. You hate the Rocket, but I love it. So of course you went :] 
I love that we both look absolutely terrible in this picture. This was at the end of the night, after we had just conquered the Catapult.. these are our "We are so tough we didn't even cry" faces. 
No matter how many times you swore you would NEVER be that guy. You came with me to my Senior Prom. There is not one person I would have rather been with that night. I remember all night you just kept telling me how pretty I looked, and that "You make me look Goooooood" hahah. Remember after dinner how I reallllly had to go to the bathroom, but you thought I had too much dress to use just a random bathroom, so we went back to your moms hotel room... and people gave us funny looks walking to the room? Classssic. 
What we did this day is a little fuzzy. I think this is the day we went to "Rice" with Spencer and Tanner, and then we went and saw Avatar and it was soooooooo long. You hated every minute of it. I think you fell asleep... and then we went over to Tays for family dinner. Random days like these were some of the best. 
Oh, this is just you doing my political science homework. I didn't even have to beg that much! I am 90% sure I was dinking around on facebook while you were studying your guts out :] 
We were 15 in this picture. Well excuse me.. I was 15, you were 16. 
Infants! We were such infants.
The first time meeting your family, and you take me to your brothers wedding!
Noo biiig deeall.. I only had to meet your family, PLUS all of your extended family. 
I love that your Dad made me come get in the picture. 
I love even more that he hasn't photo-shopped me out yet.. ;] 
You're just really really ridiculously good looking. 
I love you in a baseball hat :] 
I love you on a mission, in a suit.. being completely awesome!
I think this will turn out to be one of our favorite memories. 


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