Little Answered Prayers.

It's nice when you are reminded that Heavenly Father does hear, and answer prayers. 
Even the most petty, selfish prayers. He hears, and he cares. 

This week I have had two little answered prayers. And I could not be more grateful. Not necessarily for the actual answer (even though I definately, definately am) But more so for the renewed confirmation that he does listen. And that he loves me. It's such an amazing feeling knowing that he knows exactly how I'm feeling at that moment and that he wants to help. All we have to do is ask. 

  1. This last weekend I was heading out to a concert in Springdale with Danielle. I got my debit card out of my purse, bought the tickets online, put my card on my bed and left the room. I briefly came back in to clear some things in my room. When it was time to leave, my debit card was nowhere to be found. This wouldn't have been too big of a deal if #1: I ever carried cash. #2: I was headed a little ways away from home and felt uneasy about leaving without any funds. I searched high and low, low and high... everywhere I could think of! My card was literally JUST RIGHT THERE. Finally after already being 10 minutes late I decided to say a prayer. No sooner had I gotten off my knees, I went and looked in the trash by my bed.. and low and behold, there it was. All I had to do was ask. 
  2. This last week for some reason I have been super Camsick and it is not fun! It's not fun missing somebody you know you will not be able to see or talk to for another unlimited amounts of days. It was silly and self-pittyish of me, but I was just stressed with a few different things, and discouraged and I just wanted my best friend to blab to. This week was transfers for Cam and he had informed us he would not be emailing until Wednesday. This morning, when I said my morning prayers (Admittantly for the first time in a very long time) I simply asked to have a better day, and to find some way to lift my spirits. Well, I was at work and just happend to see this little email left from Cam. 
"Hey love, I have to go. but I love you unlimited, never ever forget that. Keep your head up and know that when it is the hardest, is when we recieve the most blessings. Thank you for everything you have done for me in my life. Because of the help that you gave me over the last few years I am on my mission. Thank you so much for that. Thank you so much for having the patience to have a missionary. I love you so much and I am so grateful for you"  

Just what I needed to hear to lift my spirits. And all I had to do was ask. 

1 comment:

  1. Small and simple things Katie, it isn't always the big things that the Lord is waiting to hear about. Great post, great testimony builder, I am glad you had such great experiences.
