4 days.

Wow, Remember when I posted and it was like...130 something days away. Well now it is four, FOUR. And I will be honest, I thought this was going to be muuuuch easier.

I think I have bipolar disorder, because some days I am ultra excited and ready for him to leave. And some days there is nothing I wouldn't give for there to be many, many more days before he leaves. Today is one of those days.

Last night I came home from work and plopped on mom and dads bed. "How was work?"

"I don't want him to leave." ... dad proceeded to rub my back and tell me he would be home before I knew it. I proceeded to leave the room shortly after to avoid the inevitable tears that were threating to take a stroll down my face.

Despite my selfish wants. And the rainy cloud that has been hanging over my head all week.
I am so proud of this boy.


  1. Oh Katie, it will be alright. I will miss him too, but just keep yourself busy. I will be here and we can hang out whenever you want. Just think, Jason Derulo is just around the corner!!!!!

  2. ***HUGS, hugs, hugs*** Hope that helps just a little Katie. I am sure he misses you too, but he is doing something more important right now that you will be so proud of. And just for the record...I bet he misses you too, your his BFF!

  3. So glad I have my very wise sisters to pick my up and give me virtual hugs that always help :]

    Luff you guys!
