
"Sometimes, when you meet someone--you just click. I don't believe in love at first sight, but I sure believe in the click."

Found this the other day. Loved it!! So excited for this weekend. Spending it up in Pine Valley with Ry's family. Sledding, gingerbread men, Christmas movies, cozy fireplaces, family I adore, and a whhoollleee lottta the boy I love. Ahh, bring on Christmas time! 

Hahaha... this picture was really just too good to pass up.

Christmas Time In The City

Ryan and I had a little more Christmas shopping to do this week so we thought instead of finishing up in St. George, we'd take a little day trip to Las Vegas and hit up some outlets and the mall. The morning of, we debated for a good hour or so on whether on not we should go. It was cloudy and cozy so we thought about just staying in and ordering Christmas online on the couch, hot chocolate in hand. We also discussed just running to a few places around town and seeing what we could find. Alas, after some and forth and what Ryan likes to call my finicky behavior, we were on our way to Vegas.

As you can see, our snacks of choice were very healthy and nutritious. We ate terribly this entire day. But we weren't really feeling it... the sugar overload from our breakfast above must have overpowered the MSG that filled our Carls Jr. Lunch and our Jack-in-the-box dinner... yikes. 

You guys, I'mma tell you something. I don't think I've ever had such a fun hour and forty-five minute drive before in my life. You should know, Ryan and I both love to blast music when driving and jam out. However, that was not the case with this quick trip. We turned the music down, and chitty-chat-chatted the entire way. We laughed harder than ever, talked about some important upcoming events, joked and teased, devoured some pixie sticks and just had a lot of fun. 

My brain seemed to be working at half capacity--if that, during the entire day so that made for some very interesting conversations, and one very grateful girl for a boyfriend who patiently puts up with her nonsense. I kid you not folks...these conversations all happened in ONE day. It's almost embarrassing... almost. If you follow me on Facebook, this first conversation you have already heard..

In the distance, Ry points out about 400 yards off the freeway, a tall tour of smoke in the middle of the desert. 
Ryan: Look at that big cloud of smoke over there. They set off an atomic bomb! 

Kaitlen: Woah!! Really?! 

Ryan: NO honey! If that was an atomic bomb we would be dead..

Kaitlen: After cracking up for a few solid minutes. Well, you can't just go saying stuff like that! 

Ryan: I'm not the one who doesn't realize we would be dead if there were an actual atomic bomb.... 

So stupid girl conversation #1 blows over until we reach Vegas about an hour later... now for a little back story. Before Ryan and I started dating, he took this girl he was kind of hanging out with as well to Vegas where they went to the Shark Reef Aquarium.. since originally he told me he was making that trip with his mother, and not until recently did I discover that he actually went with another girl... it's still a bit of a bitter subject for me. 

Driving down the hill into Vegas we see a billboard for "Turtle Sanctuary" 

Kaitlen: Look babe! Do you want to go to the Turtle Sanctuary today?! 

And then, before he can answer, I choose to be the brat that I am and point out that he's already been... to the Shark Reef Aquarium....a totally different exhibit. Oops. 

Kaitlen: Oh WAIT! You've already BEEN to the Shark Reef Aquarium!!! 

Ryan: Woww......Yes, I have been to the SHARK Reef Aquarium...not the Turtle Sanctuary babe. 

Kaitlen: Again, after a few minutes of laughter. I'm tellin ya, the boy just cracks me up! Which I'm still mad about by the way. Here I was thinking you were going on this cute daddy-daughter...I mean Mommy-daughter, I mean DAUGHTER-SON date, but really you were with some girl! 

Ryan: Just stop struggle more than most. 

Now that stupid-girl conversation #2 was out of the way, I was sure that the rest of the day would go smoothly and quietly and Ry would forget all about my half-working brain. And it did! Most of the day went by without any more embarrassing mishaps until we were leaving Dicks Sporting Goods... 

Ryan opened my door and I hopped in. He walked around to his side then sat down. I started rummaging through my purse and then handed Ryan my phone while I did so. 

Rummaging, Rummaging, Rummaging..... 

Kaitlen: I can't find my phone! It's not in my purse, and it's not in my pockets....I hope I didn't leave it in the store or something. 

Ryan: Looking over at me with a look of disbelief as he simultaneously reaches out his hand to hand me the phone I had just two seconds ago handed him... You mean THIS phone? 

Cue laughter.....again. 

The day was full of memorable moments with my favorite boy. We went shopping together, but then had to split up and go shop for each other. Trying to disguise our gifts was entertaining to the max. It amazes me just how much fun I have with this boy. He is seriously my best friend and I feel like the luckiest to have him. 

Oh also....on the way home, he rapped Childish Gambino for me at least five times... you guys, that white boy can rap!! He knew every word to this ridiculously fast song and literally didn't miss a beat. It was oddly attractive.... love me my wangster! 

2:28am Thoughts

Tonight Ryan brought me Panda E at work. I had a half hour for break, and just needed to get out of the building for a bit. Not enough time to leave, so we sat in his car, in the parking lot and ate our dinner and listened to a terrible 90's band that he was shocked I had never heard before. It was perfect, and so fun and just what I needed.

I cleaned my room and unpacked finally. I think I was living in denial after coming home from a glorious five days with tiny adorable infants and my sisters. But alas it's done, and it feels good. I hate sleeping in a dirty, if only I could sleep.

My best friend is getting married in just over four months, and we were talking wedding a little bit tonight, and I realized how excited I am for her! It's weird....I don't think I will ever feel like any of us are old enough to be getting married.

I think about Thailand a lot. Every time I look at pictures it's seriously like a sharp pain in my heart. I miss it so much! But I realize more and more how lucky I am to have had that experience and am forever grateful for that. I always wanted to go to Thailand, and I did it!! I'd say that's pretty awesome.

Ryan just called.....and when I answered he goes "Shut up, you are really still awake?" hahah he seriously makes me laugh. Boy couldn't sleep, so he's up making sure his dog doesn't die after swallowing his sister-in-laws retainer. Yikes!

Everybody and their dog got engaged yesterday on 12-12-12....cute, but a little overdone. My instagram and facebook were blowing up with engagement posts!! Congratulations world!

I am Skype messaging right now with Marci! She's still in Motha Russia and I miss her bod so bad!! However, she did just bestow upon me some of the greatest news--she is moving here after her time abroad in China!! One more person I love in St. George... I can handle that.

I should seriously go to sleep. Work meeting in 5 hours. I need sleep. Also, my immune system punishes me every time if I don't get enough sleep. Sheesh immune system, don't you know I'm only 20?! I'm allowed to stay up all night.

Onnnnee more thought---"The Hobbit" came out tonight. I really wanted to go see it, so I texted Ryan and said "Let's go see the Habit tonight!" .... he laughed pretty hard at that one after he stopped being confused and realized what in thee heck I was talking about. Stupid autocorrect. Alas, we didn't go see it because we want to wait for Jordon and Mary. I'm not even that into those movies.... there is just something about a midnight premiere that gets me all excited!