Just Can't Get Enough...

Don't worry your little hearts, I will eventually catch up on my Thailand posts, because we all know that a lot happened in that month that my Gmail account was hacked, but for now. I have some news to document. 

Basically from the first week in Thailand, I realized that I love new places, new culture, new people, and adorable children. I immediately thought "Hey, maybe I will try and be a head teacher after this!" Well, my life in Thailand moved on, and I didn't give it a whole lot of thought due to some things at home that in my mind, would for sure keep me from going. Best friend getting engaged possibly, Cam coming home from his mission, school waiting to be finished, family that I missed. Babies being born. Yeah, there was no way I could leave for another five months, right? 

Wrong!! End of February came around, and I realized I had only a couple more months in Thailand, and was not ready for this adventure to end. So, I did what any normal person would do... and applied for Head Teacher as fast as I possibly could type. One thing lead to another, one interview completed...two interviews completed.... ACCEPTED! Shortly after, Shayla applied for Head Teacher as well, and Marci too! Marci will be heading to St. Petersburg Russia come August 2012! And Shayla and I.... well, we will be heading to .... 

ZhongShan China!! 

I'm excited and nervous and anxious and kiiiind of all over the place. It breaks my heart that I will be missing Cams homecoming and all of that excitement, and welcoming the new babies into the family. It makes me nervous thinking about best friends getting engaged or married while I am away, and all of the little things life back home brings. But, China is an opportunity I just cannot pass up. After months of thoughtful prayer and contemplation. I know that China, is exactly what I need this fall. And though at times I am a little nervous, and scared of all of the responsibility. I cannot wait!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Woot Woot!!! So exciting Katie Kat, soooo exciting!!! xoxoxo
