I'm Back!.....again.

The truth is, I took a bit of a blogging break for the last couple months. I have no idea why, I just didn't really have any motivation to write, which is weird--cause I love to write peeps! But here's the thing... I'm back, I need to be back--because there are far too many thoughts floating around in this head of mine to keep up there. So here's to wishful thinking and at least 1-2 blog posts a week. High five!

I don't even know where to begin. The last time I wrote here It was summer and I was having fun dating around and enjoying my time home from Thailand. I was all over the place, one minute I was in China, the next I was headed for Salt Lake, the next I was staying home here in St. George, which is what I swore I would never do--but as it turns out, It is exactly where I need to be. Life as of now is great! I'm a full time student once again at DSC, Opinion Editor for the Dixie Sun News, CNA at a great facility with residents who crack me up, living with friends at the condo in town and trying my hand at being a big kid, the proud auntie of three, soon to be four new babies, and dating the most handsome boy ever....but more on that later ;) Life is good!

One time my friend Tanner came down to visit and it was so exciting. So of course we hit up Del-Taco at 11pm and ate gross amounts of food and had some good chats. Sure do love that boy and wish I got to see him more often.
Sometimes I get to play with/babysit my friend Jessica's adorable child Aiden. Seriously, I am in love with this little guy. He's got the BIGGEST brown eyes I've ever seen and let me tell ya, he knows how to use them.
Mom and I decided to be super fit and stuff...so we ran a 5k for our work! That cute lady came in 2nd place for her age division and I came in 3rd! It was good fun, despite waking up at the crack of dawn and some bladder issues that we will not discuss.....
Meet my new lovies!! Here we have, in order of appearance... Little Lexi May, Cohen Xander, and John Lincoln.. you guys, really....it's baby mania over here! I am one proud auntie and I just can't get enough of these sweet little faces. Welcome to the family little ones! 
Turns out, I love spending time with this cutie. We spend a lot of time together...a lot, and I never get sick of it! That's a good sign, right? But like I said, more on him later... 

I moved, did I tell ya? Did I tell you it was the most time consuming thing ever? Who knew one little room could be such a pain in the rear to move!! But it was, and Ryan was a trooper helping me out for like a solid week... seriously, he's great. But alas, I am moved in and settled in my new little place. I cried when I drove away from my parents house with my last load of stuff though--I did. It was sad. 

Last, but not least... YOU GUYS, MY BEST FRIEND GOT ENGAGED!! It's true, he liked it--so he put a ring (ROCK) on it! I could not be more excited for them and I could not be more excited to plan a bunch of parties in her honor. Are we really old enough to be getting engaged? Really? It's cliche, but I feel like just yesterday we were just wee little ones becoming best friends in TLC class. Let the wedding planning begin!! 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are back!!! I miss Kaitlen blogs. It is soooo fun for me to read & keep up. Welcome back love!

    FYI though. The order of appearance of the babies is...Cohen Zander, then Lexi May. ;)
