Opposites Attract?

I never realized that dating your complete opposite could require so much effort. 
And patience. And understanding. And deep breaths. And patience. 

You guys, Ryan and I are completely opposite in almost every way. 
And let me tell you, it has taken some getting used to. 
Sure, I've dated guys I was opposite with--casually. 
But the last guy I dated seriously. we were the male and female version of each other. 
We were the same in almost every way. 
And it was so easy! 

Ryan challenges me like you would not believe. 
Not a day goes by that the boy doesn't leave me with some sort of reaction, like... 
"Really?" ..."I cannot believe those words just came out of your mouth."
Or something to that effect. 

Ryan hates to spend money. I kind of love to shop. 
I was raised with sisters, and you can tell. He was raised with all boys, and you can tell. 
Ryan likes boring and or screaming music. I like good music. 
I like to talk about everything. Feelings chats galore! Ryan would rather keep to himself. 
He likes coke zero. I prefer Diet. 
I'd rather be hot. He'd rather be cold. 
Ryan roots for the Broncos. I'm a Packers fan. 
I get more into basketball. He gets more into football. 
He likes the Celtics. I like the Jazz. 

While these differences aren't reason to be concerned, they sure make for an entertaining relationship. This boy tests me in every way. Mainly with the two differences which are bold and underlined. With a few differences, it's even more exciting when we find some common ground--which we do, on the big stuff. I never thought I'd be dating somebody like Ry seriously, and I never thought it'd be so much fun. 

It's never boring... I'll tell you that much :) 

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