Our Story: The First Meeting.

Some people say that the day you meet your person, is a day just like any other. Some say, they knew that day was going to be different. I met Ryan on May 26, 2012 and when I woke up it felt like any other day--because it was. I slept in a bit, layed out, got ready for work in a hurry, throwing on a little makeup, throwing my hair up in a headband, tossing on my red polo shirt and running out the door to work. 

I was twenty five days home from Thailand---and I looked like it. Ryan was one day home from Brazil and well, he acted like it. 

It was slow at work, allowing me to dink around on my Facebook for a little while. Shortly after, I learned that one of my good friends and past summer love interest had been killed along with three other boys in our community in a small plane crash at the airport. I was shocked to say the least and called my mom in tears to tell her what happened. Work from there on out was a struggle to say the least. Between teary phone calls setting up room arrangements for his family to come down the following week for funeral arrangements, and onery guests...I was ready to call it quits for the night.

I got a call from my mom about an hour and a half after I had told her the news and she said "Quick! Make yourself look presentable, one of Cam's old companions is coming to drop off a package to you." 

A bit thrown-off that a package was on it's way from Cameron, seeing as things had been a bit rocky with us for the last couple months and dealing with the days events, the last thing I cared about was looking "presentable" for a newly returned missionary who I really didn't care too much about. So I threw some chap-stick on and adjusted my headband just a bit. 

I remember thinking it was weird my mom didn't just take the package for me and give it to me once I got home, and instead sent him clear across town to hand deliver it to me. 

Not too long after an awkward brown-haired boy holding a brown box walked through the door with two side-kicks lagging behind him, This had to be him. We introduced ourselves, HE SHOOK MY HAND. hahahaha still makes me laugh... and he handed over the package. We chatted for a little bit about how it was to be home, and the plane crash. As it turns out one of his high school friends was involved as well. I noticed his smile, it was nice. But I do that... I notice smiles. I also noticed how awkward he was and promptly wanted to get him out of my lobby. We wrapped things up and he and his friends walked out of the door--never to be seen or heard of again....or so I thought. 

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