Our Story: Late One Night

I got home from work one night at eleven and everybody had gone to bed. I poured myself some Sugar Puffs cereal and sat at my counter checking emails, Facebook, etc.

A few minutes later I got a message from none-other than that brown-haired, awkward returned missionary, Ryan. He asked if I told Cam I received the package and I replied that I had. One thing led to another and we ended up chatting for the next two hours about all sorts of stuff.

We made plans to set him up with my friends.
We talked about his love for the Dodgers and my love for the Angels.
We talked about his football team the Broncos and mine Greenbay.
We talked about high school and which one of ours was better.
I laughed so hard I worried about waking my parents up.
We talked about his mission and my time spent in Thailand.
We talked about his girlfriend that had "Dear Johned" him.
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
I poured myself another bowl of cereal.
We made plans to hang out with his friends and my friends when the girl I wanted him to date was in town.

I told him about the dream and made him promise not to think I was a creep.
We laughed about the dream.
And talked about "Dream dating" and what we would do in each date.
Which included time spent in Greece...and penguins....I don't even know.

Then I got tired and we said goodnight.

I went to bed smiling. 

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