
Today was Cams P-day, meaning emails. Yippie! Normally Mondays are pretty standard, he is able to email and occassionally I "just happen" to be on my gmail when he emails and we are able to email back and forth for a little bit. It is simply the best thing ever. Last week this wasn't able to happen because it was the first day of school for me and he was emailing not at his usual time. I have been wanting to talk to the kid terrrribly since then. I was so looking forward to todays emails. But Noooo... today, Gmail decides to be incredibly stupid and send emails at very random times. Making me want to punch small animals, and scream a slew of profanities... things of that sort. Curse you Gmail. However, in one random email I recieved from the boy he said something about his new companion, and how he doesn't know how to handle him because he will randomly burst into tears, and how he whines. I so cleverly emailed back "Sometimes I want to cry and whine :D " among other things of course. But then I got thinking, and really...sometimes that is what I want to do! Cry and whine and kick my feet and fall on the floor and throw a temper tantrum and kick holes in things and act like a five year old. Sometimes that is exactly what I want to do when I think about Cam being gone. And sometimes it's okay to be upset when Gmail malfunctions, and when your 15 minutes with the kid is completely ruined. As long as you eventually put on your big girl panties and keep on keepin on. 13 months is so very, very doable.

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