Oh, fancy seeing you here?

School has officially started. Education is in full swing here people, and I'll be honest... I am actually enjoying it! Granted it is only the 3rd day... but, this semester looks very promising. It doesn't hurt that the heavens opened up and the Schedule Gods allowed Katelyn and I to have 4/5 classes together every MWF. Glorious. It seriously makes school that much more enjoyable.

So here's the sitch. Katelyn and I have decided to write for the school newspaper this semester and went today to check it out. We walk in to a pretty decent sized group of people and immediately I see Peter Pan. sitting in the corner computer. Here is why it was alarming for several reasons:

  1. I was 99% sure he had either A) Moved back to SLC or B) Died. Seriously, I have not seen the kid in months. But no, He lives! 
  2. He is still as good looking as ever. Of course. *rolls eyes* 
  3. He looks over, smiles, and waves a little too enthusiastically like we are the besttt of friends. Um no, last time we talked.. you decided it was best not to talk. You didn't want a "fling" anymore, remember? 
  4. After class he comes over and we chat for a good few minutes. I'll admit, not as awkward as I had imagined in my mind the last 50 minutes of class.
  5. It was just strange. While talking we were looking at each other and you could just feeeel the "things left unsaid/done" between us. As corny as that sounds, tis true peeps...tis true. 
It should be an interesting semester to say the least, but i'd be lying if I said I am not excited. 

Oh, P.S...after that brief encounter I headed over to take mom a smoothie at work. And of course ran into "Brad". Not awkward at all actually. And there is no sarcasm intended there! We may or may not be talking again... I may or may not have mixed feelings about that. Oy vay. 

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