Arrow Head 100% Mountain Spring Water.

Oh hi.
This is me having really nothing substancial to say.
I just need to get some things out of my noggin.
I couldn't think of a proper title.
My bottle of water next to me was my inspiration.
Deal with it okay!
  1. Whoever in their right mind (Katelyn and I) thought "Oh how fun would it be to write for the Dixie Sun this semester!! Only ONE credit...piece of cakkkee..." Were complete idiots. Yup, the two of us. Complete idiots. NEVER in my college career have I put so much blood, sweat, and tears into a stinkin class for again...let me repeat...ONE CREDIT. I swear they think the only thing we have going on in our lives is that class! Like for real, they expect us to legit take a recorder/notebook with us everywhere we go and report on the most random shiz that I could care less about. jkahfjksdhf I can't handle it!! Clearly, journalism is not my calling in life. Or maybe it is, maybe College newspaper is not my calling in life... whooo knows.
  2. Idunno what is going on...but the work Gods love me lately because the last 4 days I have worked at the hotel, my shift has gone by sooo speedy gonzalas! This NEVER happens. Shifts at the hotel drag on for an eternity; so this is a nice change.
  3. I get to sleep in tomorrow. Praise the heavens above. I think -5 hours of sleep a night for the past two weeks is finally catching up to me. It's really a miricle I am not sick yet.
  4. I hope Sam doesn't end up running the 5K this Saturday...that would be superb, because then he would switch me shifts and I could have my fun Saturday night. Fingers and tootsies crossed!
  5. 71 days. SEVENTY-ONE. Freaking out. Today I got an email telling me I needed to get my travel documents in order and finalize any "Pre-departure" plans/questions. Uhhh what? No, I'm not ready to leave yet. I thought I was. I definitely am not.
  6. I made a pretty major purchase yesterday....I am the proud new owner of a Toshiba Laptop!! Wooot! And it is super cute, and little...but not too little. Just what I wanted. Now if only it would get here, that would be great. Because I paid $32 more bones to have it expedited and have yet to see it. Hurry, hurry, hurry UPS. This girl is quite impatient.
  7. Oh hey, 2 more weeks and CDR has only 11 months left. Um hi, where did my two years go?
  8. Finally, item #8.... Footloose--if you haven't seen it, go see it RIGHT MEOW. Seriously, it is so good. I loved every minute of it and I cannot wait to see it again (because clearly that is going to happen at least 4+ more times). And this guy right here.....
He can marry me right now. Because clearly I am in love, and clearly we would have thee most adorable offspring in this entire universe. And clearrrrly that smoldering look gets me every time. Ohhh Ren :]

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