
This semester I am taking an intro to education class to kind of see if teaching is the career path that I want to take. Alllonnng with this wonderfully early class in the morning is two observation days. An observation day is something like this:

Observation Day: Sitting in an elementary and middle school teachers classrooms for ONE.WHOLE.DAY. juuust sitting. And observing, and trying so incredibly hard to keep your eyes open. At the elementary school you eat lunch with the kids, in middle school the kids don't want to be seen with you. You take notes,write an observation report and continue on your merry way. 

Exciting right? Youu guessed it. As I sit here and type this I am currently observing a middle school Spanish class. Right?! I don't know what I was thinking--in my defense, when we signed up for the class to observe I was late to class that morning, tired and just picked the class my pen was closest to. SPANISH?! I have never taken a Spanish class in my whole life. I do not. speak. Spanish. I am a fool of the worst kind, clearly.

However... It has actually been a lot better than I had originally intended. The day has gone by pretty fast and there is only about one more hour of the day! Can I just say how funny it is to watch middle schoolers? Like was I really this little once?! I sure was, in fact.. It was only a measly six years ago and I distinctly remember feeling like I was theee cooolest kid ever. By the time I was in 9th grade I had already had TWO "serious boyfriends" and clearly I knew everything there was to know about everything. hahahah i'm seriously cracking up just thinking about it. These kids are awesome.

Is it bad that I want to be a middle school teacher just to kind of poke fun at them constantly? Because I would love that. And hey, people say you are supposed to looove your job, right? Hmmm... decisions, decisions...

Now please enjoy these "Day of The Dead" skeletons in honor of the video I have watched at least four times today.

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