"Spook-Tacular" October!

Is it seriously November 1st already?
I'm freakin out yo! 
The month of October went by sooo stinkin fast. 
5 more days until Elder hottie Ricker boy has 11 months left.
TWO months from TOMORROW I leave for Thailand. 
A few odd weeks left of the semester. 
man oh man... I bet you'd never think you'd hear a 
"Missionary Girlfriend" 
say she wants time to slow down huh? 
But I definitely do. 
Just a little though! 
So here's a little October recap.. 
minus Katelyn and I's mini-cation.. 
That deserves a whole different post... 
which I will get to. 


Nanna and Papa had their first annual Halloween grandkiddies sleepover 
and clearly I could not stay away from these cute kids. 
We made Mummy dogs, witches fingers, witches hats and dirt cups. 
And of course watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas" 
Which has always confused me.... 
is it a Christmas movie? Or a Halloween movie? 
Innnn any case, there is no other way I would have loved to spend that Friday night. 

This Halloween, we could not pass up "The Howl" that DSC puts on every year.
Though this year, we went date-less, unlike last year
We unanimously decided for these types of activities...dateless is clearly the way to go. 
No commitment right? You can dance with whhooevvver you want :] 
Though Dillon and his friends, and Craig and Chase did show up and we had a blast with them all. 
Can you guess our costumes? 
"Three little kittens who lost their mittens!"

October 2011- Success :] 

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