
Seriously...I am just that. 
I blame it on the hormones! 
Lately I have been all over the place, 
physically and emotionally. But let's focus on the emotional part. 

May-October I have been So Stinkin Excited
for this trip to Thailand. Seriously, my excitement was contagious. 
Thenn October rolls around, things at home pick up, WAY up. 
And suddenly I am dreading this trip 90% of the time. 
And excited 10% of the time. 
Not. Okay. 

It's just that October was such a good month! 
tons of fun activities with friends and family. 
Lots of time to reflect on what a awesome life I have. 
At home. In St. George. 
So, I found myself asking WHY THE HECK 
am I leaving this awesomeness for a place 39742398 miles away. 
with a bunch of people I don't know. 
Without the comforts of my home, friends and family. 
Why, why, why??
Kaitlen, you idiot. 

I wish I could say that I had some awesome revelation 
and give you the reason why I am going. such luck my friends. 
I still have no idea what I was thinking. 
But I do know that it just feels right. 
I just know this is going to be an amazing opportunity that I will cherish forever. 
I'm young, and healthy, and able, so why not. 

It's exciting isn't it? 
A new county. New people. New adventures. 
Five months of a brand new outlook. 
That is exciting like crazy!! 

So here I am 52 days away saying, 
I cannot wait. 
I'm sure it will hit me again, 
how good life is here. And how scary this all seems. 
But I will mini-panic again... 
But I'm ready. 
Let's do this!! 

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