I'm so glad you made it.

Remember last week
when I had "the best dream ever"?? 
Remember that? Okay, good. 
Scratch that. 

My mom hatttttes listening to dreams. 
cereal, she hates it...iduuno, she's a weirdo. 
But anyways, she actually listening to this one. 
And I even got a "Aww really?" at the end of it. 
Boooya!! It was that good. 

So for the sake of documentation, 
here it is folks. 
The best dream of my life. 

Okay, so in my dream there was a giant gathering of people in the woods. Idunno, strange. But seriously, there were a ton of people, sitting in chairs, listening to this guy speak. And not unlike myself, I was late. I showed up like half way through the shindig, and I quietly as possible, (which wasn't very quiet), made my way to my seat. A little embarrassed about being late, I just sat there, staring straight ahead not looking at anybody. All of the sudden the person sitting on my right, grabbed my hand and whispered "I'm so glad you made it." When I looked over, there was Cam beaming, with his crooked smile, squeezing my hand. 
And that was it. That was my whole dream. Nothing spectacular, nothing incredibly romantic. But just soo comfortable, so...idunno? Us. For a few reasons, #1: Cam is thee most punctual person I know. #2: I am ALWAYS late. Always. #3: It was so comfortable, it was like "oh, duh! Of course that Is Cam grabbing my hand." Not a bad way to wake up at all :] 

And for the record... I only hit snooze ONCE this morning. But, I actually just turned my alarm clock off... so I guess that doesn't really count. Bummer. 

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