Happy, Happy, Happy!

The other day I saw a post on this girls blog about all things that made her happy. I loved it because immediately it made me start thinking about things that have been making me happy lately, and that was just what I needed. Because sometimes you can get so caught up in the things that make you unhappy, that you forget to focus on all of those little things that make you so, so happy. 

- 50 days until i'm outtta here!
- Thee best parents in this world. Who also bring me dinner at work, because that just happened. Score!
-A best friend who I freaking love. Immma miss her!
- 33 calendar days until the semester is over.
- Pandora knowing all of the songs my soul loves to hear. Magic.
- Actually being excited to go to Geo tomorrow and see what my test score is, pretty sure it's a good one!
- Training this week up in Provo!
- The fact that Cam now emails Monday earllly morning, so when I go to school, I can read his email first thing :]
- 34 days until I am on a plane to Idaho to visit my favorite Ricker family!
- The fact that it's "heater" time! I love waking up to that heater smell wafting through the house.
- A friend who is suuuuch a good sport on blind dates. hahahahha.
- The fact that I no longer feel the need to wash my hair every day, and now go 3+ days between washes? Gross? No.
- Biotin...seriously, that stuff is awesome! Grow hairrrr....Growwww!
- Plans for this coming August to move to SLC with my best pal. Cannot. Stinkin. Wait.
- A cold that only lasted 2 days.

Happy Sunday Errrbody! 

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