Sometimes you just gotta blog.

Yep, it's true. Sometimes you just have so much running through your mind that you might as well put it on your blog, yeah? So here is a little WARNING this is going to be a bit lengthy, and a lot wordy. I'm giving you your chance now to You're still here? Wonderful :]

So today I went to the dentist. I also went exactly one week ago, but he made me come back. And low and behold... it was NOT because of cavities! Supposedly I had a small crack in one of my teeth and he wanted to fill it in before I flee the country. He promised me it would not take longer than fifteen minutes...and let me just tell you, that man does not lie! My appointment was at 11:00 this morning, and I was back in my car by 11:08. I'm not kidding you! But here's the thing, I walk in the office, the lady takes me back, straps me to the chair and gives me a long Q-tipy thing to put in my cheek to numb it a little bit. No big deal right? She always does this before they give me the numbing shot and before they start drilling except get this THEY DON"T GIVE ME THE SHOT. He proceeded to drill my tooth (he called it "smoothing down") my tooth, before he patched it or whatever WITHOUT a numbing shot. Okay, so it didn't really hurt, except a few little parts...but the bottom line is this: I don't care if you are giving me a root canal, or "smoothing" my tooth....if there is a drill entering my mouth sir, I want novocaine.

After my eight minute dentist appointment, I headed over to the hospital to see my friend Jessica that just had her little baby Aiden! Holy cow, can I have a baby ppllleeassseee? I'm half kidding...and half not. This baby boy was absolutely perfect! He had the cutest dark hair and big eyes and he let me hold him and cuddle him until my little heart was content...and until his little tummy got hungry. Then he just wanted nothing to do with me. Rude. Jess is such a trouper, she has definitely not had the easiest of situations but she has been nothing but positive about thee whole thing. And after a 20 hour labor, and C-section, she was STILL so positive and is just grinning from ear to ear with her little guy. It was the weirdest thing to hold him and think that just a few days ago this little thing was literally inside of my friends body. Isn't that creepy?! I don't know why it was so strange to me this time, I have held many a baby from my sisters. Anyways, she is doing great, and is actually home now! I can't wait for that experience, seriously...cannot wait...but at the same time....I can definitely wait :)

So the Jensen girls had a bit of a difficult few hours today....hahahaha this is seriously so sad. But it was one of those things, that when I was trying to tell my mom the rest of the story, I couldn't finish because I was laughing too hard. Which is seriously terrible.. and you will see why. So Mckenzie has two cats... Pablo (affectionately pronounced [Pweb-Lo] by yours truly) and Booby his soul. That is right, she murdered boobins today. Okay, so it's not murder if it is on accident, but boobys head accidentally got stuck under the garage door (which was a FREAK accident, so Kenz and I decided it must have been his time to go) and he is now buried in their back yard (i'm assuming) anyways, Mason, the poor boy, was in tears for a good couple hours after the fact. But don't worry, we informed him that Nana's whore of a cat is pregnant again, and another boobins is on his way! Now for the 2nd Jensen girl, I decided to go with Kenz to scouts today and help her out. They were playing soccer so Kenz made me be on one of the boys teams. Well, I guess there is one kid in the group that kind of struggles, physically, so they made him goalie of my opposing team. So I'm just kinda meandering around the field, letting the boys play but then this kid kicks the ball right too me...and the space between me and the goalie is wide naturally I had to take my shot! DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT PLAY SOCCER, NOR HAVE I EVER PLAYED SOCCER...MY KICKING ABILITIES ARE VERY TERRIBLE AND USUALLY HAVE NO DISTANCE WHATSOEVER. The moment my foot met that ball, and I saw it flying through the air at great speeds...I knew it would not end well. Sure enough, that ball soars rrriiighhht into the physically disabled boys face...sending him, and his glasses flying. The look on these ten year old boys faces as they all thought "I can't believe you would do such a horrific thing!" was so incredibly shameful. I rushed over to the boys side and apologized like crazy, returned his glasses, and apologized again. Like a true man, he pretended like it didn't even phase him, shrugged my hands off his shoulders, snatched his glasses out of my hands and stood up.....slowly. Seriously....a rough few hours for the Jensen girls. Now do you see why I am a terrible person and could not even tell the stories to my mother?

Well, it's far past my bedtime so I am going to abruptly end this blog post and get to bed! So here is a great little quote to end the evening.

"No matter what a persons past--their future is spotless" 
How's that for encouraging! 

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