We did the mash... We did the Monster Mash

Halloween this year was so much fun! After weeks, and I do mean weeks of trying to figure out what to be, and many failed attempts to the costume store.. or should I say lingerie store... Katelyn and I of course waited until the very last hours before the party to decide what to be. ....... Ladies and Gents.... Thing One.. and Thing Two! We went to the "Howl" at staheli farms for the college thing and it was a bunch of fun. Bo and Derrick Shelly went with us and we of course danced the night away. They were good to patiently wait and hear the verdict of or costumes as to choose what they would be.The night ended for myself and Katelyn at 2 in the morning showering out our blue ratted hair... and scrubbing our ridiculously makeuped faces. Blisss.
Oh! Of course we can not forget tiny little Bugzee boy... He too got in the halloween spirit this year...reluctantly.. but none the less he was adorable!

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