The Letter #1

Once upon a time there was a young girl, terribly missing her boyfriend for he was doing what he should be doing in the MTC. He had been in a whopping three days and she felt as if she would never hear from him again! (or at least for another week) she trudged out to the mailbox right before she left for work. Walking back into the house she was slowly flipping through envelope after envelope addressed to everyone but here. Then she saw the corner...Elder Cameron Ricker. She flipped! She literally screamed and jumped and skipped into the house! ..... The End.

Today I got my first letter! Already! I was soooo excited. It was so good to hear from him already and hear a little bit about how he is doing. And yes, to hear that he is missing me too, just as much as I am missing him was of course very nice :] He is doing great and loves it so far, though the days are long. I think I have read the letter 12 times since recieving it. And I can guarentee I will read it more before I go to bed. It is so nice. I can still hear him in my head when I read it as though he is actually saying it to me. Does that make sense? Ahhh what a good day!

" So there is this rule here.. for every picture you have
up of your girlfriend.. you have to have two up of Jesus....
Looks like I am going to buy some more pictures of Jesus...."
- Elder Cameron Ricker.