
Things that made me frown...
-Printer would not work.. and I had a paper due today! Grr...
- Family drama that is very, very uneccissary. I hate lack of communication.
- I forgot to send off Cams package today!
- Halloween stores ONLY sell skanky costumes. Katelyn and I discovered this today.
- A guest tonight kept calling down and complaining about the same thing...over, and over again. I had no control over the situation! As I explained everytime he called.. seriously dude?
- I was reminded I have a dentist app tomorrow.
- I realized how far, far behind in math I truly am.
- I realized today that my battery in my phone has lasted me 4 days due to the lack of use since Cam has been gone. I can't decide wether that is a frown..or smile moment.

Things that made me smile...
- English was short today! Whooop!
- Costume shopping with Katelyn, I never get to hang out with her enough.
- Getting a lot done at work
- Work going by so fast!
- Realization that I do not work tomorrow, ah even better.
- Powering through my Edgar Allan Poe essay.. almost.
- A 35 minute shower. Bliss
- Bugzee... He is just the cutest and I am crazy about him
- David putting Microsoft Word on my computer for Friiiiizaaayyy! Sooo excited.
- Two Letter Tuesday! Two letters from Cam!
- Writing a ridiculously long letter to Cam that made me feel much better about life.
-The Wendys I had for lunch.. it was delish!
- This cold weather! I lovvee wearing sweats to bed again.

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