Love. Love. Love. Letters.

I Love getting letters from Cam
I can be in the worst mood, frustrated and discouraged
and somehow without knowing
he always says something I need to hear.
He is simply the best

"I'm glad you had fun at your concert!
Sounds like you had a blast... Although..
I am a little concerned about this Derulo Character.."

"So I was thinking..
since you are a slave to your To-Do lists,
you should make one of everything you want to do while I'm gone
and at the end,
in huge capital letters put..
perfect idea huh!"

"I am glad bugzee and Brunswick are doing their jobs!!!
I miss our tiny family"

-Elder Cameron Ricker. 


  1. CUTE!!! WHo is Brunswick by the way??

  2. Brunswick is our build-a-bear owl we made this summer! :]
