Eu te amo.

Today I over-heard a couple of girls talking in class.
The subject: Love

They were discussing what "love" really is and how do you know if you love someone or not. And of course I started thinking.
It reminded me of something Cam wrote to me in a letter a few weeks ago when I was telling him how spiritually inadequite I feel compared to him, especially now. He replied..

" Kaitlen, being spiritual is not one significant event, it is having faith and doing all of the little things"

Though that really has nothing to do with love, it got me thinking how "love" or "being in love" is not one significant event. You don't wake up one morning after meeting someone and suddenly your in love. It is the little things that build up to it.I think love happens differently for everyone and means something different to everyone. To me love is patience. It's crazy blue eyes and shaggy somewhat curly dishwater blonde hair. It's complete trust and honesty. It is hours of laughing. It's acting like kids at a nickle-cade. It's an Idaho boy and a Utah girl. It's never giving up even when it is hard. It's coldplay. It's a summer list. It's drive in movies. It's walmart runs late at night. It's falling asleep on the phone. It's long aimless drives. It's long distance. It's the Gospel. It's prayer. It's sacrifice. It's selfless. It's FUN. It's fighting over stupid things. It's a farris wheel ride. It's sending me with my favorite treats for the road. It's temple square. It's a farewell. It's forehead kisses and back tickles. It's being best friends. It's my music that he pretends to hate, but secretly loves. It's our families. It's loving the imperfections. It's music. It's understanding. It's a letter a day from Provo. It's Red Robin. It's almost drowning/freezing at the lake. It's burberry cologne. It's EFY. It's Sunday naps. It's tears on a pillow when he is gone. It's loyalty. It's tons of pictures. It's midnight showings. It's babysitting together. It's a history I would never change. It's road trips. It's picnics. It's lazy sundays with family. It's advice.  It's tears over leaving. It's fall, winter, spring summer.. and all over again. It's the mountains. It's stupid stories. It's the temple. It's lagoon. It's emails. It's coke and water. It's Greys Anatomy and Flight of the Concords. It's proving everybody wrong. It's lazy days. It's pet names. It's complete understanding. It's sunshine and rain. It's down town Salt Lake. It's a fiddle. It's holding hands. It's the Gateway mall. It's chewy pasta. It's driving a long way to see someone for a short time. It's lazy days spent inside. It's text messages. It's surprises. It's five hour energies. It's sour gummy worms. It's sappy girl movies and intense boy movies. It's being apart and nothing changes. It's a mass amount of stamps. It's giving up what you want for what you know is right. It's listening to music you hate because you know the other person loves it. It's good dreams. It's a phone call at 3am because I had a bad dream.Its crazy ex's. It's seminary makeup. It's skype. It's hanging up, and getting a call right back. It's circus animals. It's bugzee. It's the clark planitarium. It's feeling like part of the family. It's curfews and rushing home to make them. It's playing the same song over, and over, and over just because I like it. It's pats BBQ. It's a vegas new years. It's a cranky hungry boy. It's Jack in the Box chicken sandwhiches. It's hatch family hot chocolate. It's nightmare on 13th street. It's trax. It's Sour patch kids for him, and sour patch watermellons for me. It's support. It's dumb gifts. It's hard. It's puppy throwup....twice. It's the inability to stop talking about it. It's a lot of things. It's taking it one day at a time.

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