
You know how there is that saying that "Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus?"
That is a complete lie.
Men are definitely from some sort of different, alternate--screwed up universe. And women are just from Earth. Where things are normal, and people act like normal people--not crazed lunatics like the men from Mars. Somebody reading this has got to have seen the movie "Mars Attacks"?? Well it's a movie completely unrelated tom this blog post where Aliens from Mars come down and light things on fire and send cows running through the street. I'll admit's one of my favorites. But alas, I am wandering off my beaten path right now.

So, back to Earth and Mars. A topic that has been on my mind lately as I navigate my way through the dating world is how utterly and completely different guys and girls are. It seriously blows my mind. Now while it's all fun and games for the most part. You know, the whole figuring each other out hoop-la and what not... it's really rather ridiculous. Guys are insane. I'm just going to come out and say it.

In what alternate universe is it okay for you to say "Sure sweetheart, no problem I will return these redbox videos for you tonight when I leave your place" And then not return them for a month; only to admit to your faux-pah when I say something to you after I notice not one, but TWO $30 redbox charges on my card a month later? And when I DO bring your little stunt to your attention you reply with a "I'm sorry I totally forgot, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"----uh, yeah, give me $60 you fool. It's a good thing we had our "DTR" talk earlier in the week and decided NOT to be exclusive...because really, I can't be with somebody who can't return a dang redbox in a timely manner.

When we make plans it's not okay for you to make plans with somebody else without giving me any sort of heads up. So when I call you after work and say "Are we still getting together tonight?!" And you reply...."We can! I'm just over at my friend who is a girls house." and I am less than excited to meet her. And in fact would rather just go home and not see you at all... please do not be surprised. Please also do not be surprised when you text apologizing a few minutes later.... when I inform you that that was a jerky move and I am not impressed, and am in fact upset. I do however, appreciate your rapid response to my honesty--and no, I'm not talking about some lame text "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." I'm talking about you physcially leaving said girls house, calling me on the phone, and informing me that you are on your way to come pick me up, that we did have plans...that you are infact stupid and sorry. You saved yourself there.... and it was cute, and it actually ended up to be a really great night. Sooo I guess you are forgiven.

Don't be late okay? Just don't. Ew, especially don't pull a "I'll be there at 8!" ....then at 7:45 text and say..."Hey's looking like it will be more like 9" ..... and then show up at 11. Thus not allowing us to watch the stupid redboxes I rented that YOU requseted that YOU didn't even take back. Idddiotttt.

It's OKAY to talk. I promise. Sometimes it's okay for you to let us know how you are feeling. You want to see us? Great! We probably want to see you to. But we are not going to pick up OR give in to your stupid little hints like... "What are you doing tonight? Nothing? Ohh.. me either" and then excpect us to pick up the ball from there. I will literally kick you. And you will sit at home all night doing "nothing" just like you said.
For the love of all that is good in this world we've gone out multiple times. It's really okay for us to go out ALONE now. We are not in high school anymore so when you call to ask me out, don't immediatly follow up with "Soo...uhhh.... do you have any cute friends for so and so?" No. I do not have any cute friends for so and so because if we are being honest here I work, and then I hang out with my best friend who is practically engaged....and then I go out with guys, then I sleep.  And then I rinse and repeat. Sooo.. unless you want me to set "So-and-so" up with that hottie I went out with last week. No, I do not have any "Cute friends" and you can ask me out next time when you feel like either A) telling so-and-so to man up and find his own date, or B) manning up yourself and taking me out alone.

I like it when you show up at my work and surprise me. It's cute and I like that you were obviously thinking about me enough to drive across town at 10pm and wait until I got off work to see me. I don't like it when you tell me about that one time you thought about coming to visit me but then decided to go hang out with your friends instead. Fine, go hang out with your friends. That's great choose them over me by all means; But don't tell me that you chose them over me.

Your ex girlfriends family? Stop hanging out with them. I understand that you are close to them. But don't sit here and tell me how much you hate her, and them and how affected you are by the whole situation and then pal around with the family throughout the week. She's getting married--i'm sorry, really. But shiz happens and you need to move on.

Okay, okay. I know I sound like a total snob right now. And really, all of these guys who have done all of these crazy things are great. And i'm so glad i've gotten the chance to know them. But seriously, sometimes a girls just got to vent. These boys are martians. HOW is a girl from Earth....completely level headed and realistic...heheh ;) supposed to make it work with a martian? I'm tellin ya people... sometimes a girls just got to vent.

So Long Sweet Summer.

Summer is not even over--but it feels like it's coming to a rapid halt. IT'S BASICALLY AUGUST PEOPLE! What is this garbage? I just got home...I just left my darling Thai babies and mangos and sticky rice and now I'm registering for classes, buying books, and going a bit crazy in the school supply isles at Walmart. Oy-vey. Though I have been working two jobs for the past month, and literally work every single day... I've still found some time for fun! And I have a very good feeling that though summer is ending, the fun is definitely not!

Our family friend, Caitlyn Wilson, was a beautiful bride a few weekends ago up in Provo. So we made a quick trip up to celebrate with her and her family! SO CUTE. I'm tellin ya, the wedding was beautiful and such fun. But if you are a girl--it's almost impossible to not walk away wanting a wedding RIGHT now. Maybe not so much a groom...but a wedding, absolutely ;)

That same quick trip I was able to get together with lunch with some of my lovely ladies from Thailand! I love that we don't get to see each other all that often, but when we do--it's like we never left. We sat at Zupas for probably three hours just chatting and laughing. So glad these ladies are some of my greatest friends! Missed Angee and Dianna very much though, get your buns to Utah girls!
A few quick road trips with this cutie. Those ruffles you see there.... were his treat for being good on the way there, so we made a quick stop at a gas station before heading home. However, don't you DARE sneak a Queso ruffle from this kids hands and shove it into your mouth...or there will be tears, time out, and a "feelings" chat. Oh boy..

I started my job at Sterling Court at the beginning of this month, and I am LOVING it. Absolutely. Sometimes the tasks are a bit...grueling. But the fact that I am almost always kept busy, and the fact that I get to work with some of the sweetest/hilarious elderly folk makes it so much fun. I think I'm going to like it here just fine. 

Big brother CJ made it to the finals of the Utah State Ametueur!! He played an awesome week of Golf and we were all following him daily via computer or iphones. When Saturday we heard that he had won all of his rounds of match play and was on to the finals, family dropped everything and headed up to see the boy do his thang! It was so fun to have the entire family there to support our brother. He played awesome and took 2nd overall! We are all so proud of that boy, he's such a classy gentleman on the course---we're not sure what happens once he get's off though.... ;) We decided that the quote for the weekend was "Mom, Dad--you've raised some houlagins....but they are houlagins who love each other!" Truer words have never been spoken.. 

Adam moved his skinny britches to California this week....and my heart has never been more broken! In lew to his departure--we've been trying to spend as much time as possible together with all of our friends. Sure am going to miss that kid. SO excited for him though, California doesn't know what's about to hit them! 

My friend Ryan got a new puppy! The cuuuutest little Lab puppy affectionatly named, "Maverick."
I might be a little more than in love with the little guy, usually...I just play with him--and we lock Ryan up so he does not bother us. It's love people. 

Summer Shinanigans

This summer is nothing how I planned it. I planned on returning from Thailand, working constantly and jet setting off to China in just a few short months. Then I changed my plans, and anticipated spending the summer working and saving money in order to move up to Salt Lake in the fall. But I'm realizing every day, that sometimes we have plans. And sometimes Heavenly Father has plans for us that are completely different to our own. And when we finally let him in on the "plans" that we have, and are willing to adjust our plans to his just a little.

Life is sweet--so, so sweet. And just exactly what we need :) 
So, instead of preparing for China,  or packing up my belongings for a big move...
Instead, i've spent my summer kinda like this

I've gotten to spend some time with this cute kid! It's been nice since I feel like he totally forgot who I was while I was away for so long. Little heart breaker. 

Sheeela came and visted for a few days and that was a total blast! I'm trying to get her to move down here this fall, so naturally I had to show her all of the great things St. George has to offer. Namely... Dixie Rock, the Carrosel, my friends, Tuachan, Swig, Durangos, and Zion. We spent a day floating...(or in Katelyn and I's case...being drowned) down the Virgin River and that adventure. Here's to crossed fingers that I have my roomie back in just a few short weeks! 
Cooked some Thai food for the first time since being home! Delicious! Wish I had learned how to make more dishes, but I guess I can settle for some fried egg and rice.. holy yum. I'm suddenly starving. 

Took this cute lady to go see "Hairspray" out at Tuachan. Such fun! I feel bad sometimes that I don't get to spend more time with mom and dad anymore. It seems as if I am either working, or out with friends all the time--so It's nice when I get an evening or so to spend with those cuties! We loved Hairspray, Tuachan always does such a great job. But I'm tellin ya--GO SEE ALLADIN RIGHT NOW. It was awesome, and amazing and I want to see it a million more times. 

Ooofffff course, in typical St. George Summer fashion, I have racked up quite a few hours at the pool.
Finally have gotten to spend some time with this awesome guy! This is Elder Polatis (Ryan), a previous Companion of Cam's. Rumor has it....(okay, it's not really rumor because Cameron told me this about a million times) that this was his favorite companion on his mission. And I can totally see why. THESE GUYS ARE THE EXACT SAME. It's really the weirdest thing I've ever encountered, Ryan is like..a brown haired version of Cam and it's hilarious. Between the two of us exchanging stories about Cam, I'm pretty confident when I say that I think Ryan misses that boy the most. And that's saying a lot! 

Fourth of July came and went a little faster then I would have liked. BUT I did get to spend it with my Hansen infants as well as some of the family for a bit. We celebrated Dads birthday and ate delicious food. Twas delightful. 

...aaannnnd I got him the funniest card around. hahaha still making me laugh. 
Have spent quite a bit of time with these fun people! Soaking up all the time together before Adam moves to California in just a few short weeks. Ugh, makes my little heart break just thinking about it. Donnnn'ttt ggoooo! :( 

All in all, summer thus far has been a dream. Equal parts work and play and I could not be a happier girl. It hasn't been all fun in the sun of course. Life always brings it's little the form of my stinkin car needing to be fixed and 7am shifts at work and of course others. But, looming new and exciting things likeee a new job as a CNA and an upcoming Staff Editor position on the Dixie sun to prepare for, and moving out with friends in the next few weeks! This girl, is a very happy one :)