
Have I told you how I HATE math? I seriously am so dumb at math it is ridiculous. For some reason it just does not click, whatsoever. no matter what the problem, or how easy it is... sometimes, I even still have to count on my fingers. I just spent the last TWO hours doing homework. On a 20 minute assignment.. Blar.

I am all packed! Mucho thanks to Tav for covering my shift tonight so I could get some things done and pack and do homework. I think this is my first night at home in like at least 2 solid weeks... Blar.

Colored my hair today! .. no, not brown like I was toying with. More blonde. I like it! .. no Blar here.

I am POOOPED. So tired, and still have to finish this paper. Needless to say it will not be one of my best. I would be happy with a B... B for Blar.

We leave tomorrow for Idaho!! I get to see the boyyyyy. So excited. "So excited I could vomit"...
You wont get it.

Well, it's off to finish this paper. A nice venting blog post was just what I needed.

All my Love,

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