The List.

I have been giving a lot of thought as to what I am going to do for the next two years. Obviously I will be doing school, and work but I want to do more! And in the case that things work out between Cam and I when he comes home, I want to be able to show him how I have grown, because he is going to have grown so much he will not want the same ol' girl that he left two years ago. I want to be able to have something interesting to write him about instead of just the hum-de-dums of everyday life. So I have compliled a list of things that I will be doing for the next two years, to pass the time. And to hopefully expand my growth in every way possible :]

- Efy Couselor
I LOVED efy when I was younger and my counselors were a huge part of why I loved it so much. So why not see if I can touch some younger girls lives while reliving all of my fun EFY memories!? Plus, EFY is where Cam and I met, so you know there will be some good stories to tell the girls ;]

- Volunteer
Right now I am dreaming big. I want to volunteer in some third world country helping out in orphanages, hospitals, etc. But I just want to help others, whether that be in Africa, Thialand, or here in Utah. Volunteering is definately on the list.

- Learn to cook
This will be no easy task.. I am definately not a cook. I literally burn water. But I think that cooking would be a very valuble skill for me to learn for my future, and everyone in it! My mom and I just recently discovered a cooking class here in St. George that teaches you how to cook Brazilian food!! How perfect is that!

- Work Hard(er) towards my degree
As much as I have been hating being stuck in school lately. The thought keeps going through my mind that I am going to get married, and look back and ask myself what I did with my life up to this point, and my biggest fear is that my answer will be " Oh, I went to school for 18 years" I DO NOT want that. I want to do so much more! But, I do understand the importance of an education (Thanks Mom for drilling that into my head day after day..) and I know the quicker I buckle down and get it done. The more I can accomplish, and better prepare for my future!

- Obtain a calling in church.
I want a calling realllllyyyy bad. I know it will come, in the Lords time. But I am just itching for one! I want to be able to have an excuse to really study and learn the gospel, as well as get more involved in my ward.. wether that be my home ward, or my college ward (haven't decided which one I want to attend yet) I know a calling would be good for me. ... all in good time I suppose.

-Get a job that I love.
Don't get me wrong, I love my current job. But it is not what I want to do for the rest of my life, I want to work in the health care field. I want to help people, and I am currently leaning more toward the pediatric side of the health care spectrum. I would love to have a job in that field, and soon!

-Learn to decorate/craft.
I recently redid my room. This was about 3 months ago. I have YET to decorate it. I can't think of anyyything I want to do with the space and am constantly reaching out to my mom to help me. And then I suddenly got terrified at the thought that one day I will have to decorate an apartment... and then a house! Ey, ey, ey. I defiantely need to work on this.

-Read the Book of Mormon.. all the way.
I can't tell you how many times I have read 1st Nephi. I am a terrible scripture reader and I will admit it. I just went out and bought myself a new set of scriptures and I am so excited to dive into them.

- Learn to play the piano.
" Why didn't you force me to stay in Piano Mom!" I'm sure she gets sick of hearing that from all of us kids. But it is sooo true. I am discovering a bit too late how much I wish I had a talent like that. I can play, a little. But I defiantely would like to better my skills in that area.

-Spend more time with my family.
I love my familia!! I have been thinking about it lately, and I have so much family here so close, 3 of my siblings, 3 sibling-in-laws, 5 neices and nephews,  and grandma all in the same town as me! And I hardly take the time to spend time with them. Not to mention 2 sisters, and brother-in-laws, 3..almost 4 neices and nephew less than 5 hours from me! I really need to take the time to spend more time with them.
- Travel
Anyone who knows me, know that I want to do and see things very, very far away from here. And I will, when the time is right and I know it is right. I plan to visit Egypt, Jeruselum, Spain, England, France, Greece, Rome, Italy, Ireland.. any many more places. And I will!

-Move out.
Sorry Mom and Dad.. but yes, the time has come. Okay, not yet. But this summer for sure. I love St. George and it will always be home but every little chicken has to spread her wings at one point or another. And I have had about enough of Dixie College :]

-Stay Fit
It took me a minute to decide if I should put "stay" fit. Am I fit? Either way, I have been really enjoying going to the gym lately and it makes me feel good and accomplished. Though it is often hard to find time, I would like to keep that up.

- Save Money.
This may be my biggest challange.. this one is definately going to take some work. And on that note, stay out of debt! I am going to be a debt free girl!

-Keep busy, Be happy, and enjoy life as it comes. 
This too, may be my biggest challange, maybe not so much the keep busy part but everything else. I sometimes have the habit to look so far ahead and think of all that lies there, rather than taking a look around me and enjoying what I have here and now. I can do this. I can.

There is much more that I will do I am sure of it. But these are the things that stick out most in my mind. I get so excited when I look at this list! But as my mom pointed out, I have two years... if not more to do these things. I can't help it that I get overly excited about plans!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great list Katie! Good luck, you can do it!!
