
Today I was thinking.. Lately I have been kind of in a rutt. It's not that I am not happy, I just know I could be happier. And I think I have been in this rut for a number of reasons. But mainly one. I have been so focused on things that do not make me happy, rather than what does! So here it is.. a wholllle list of some of the many, many things that make me a very, happy girl :] (In no particular order)

- Good music. Jumping in the car and my favorite song is playing.
- Stormy, cloudy, out right rainy days. LOVE
- School, I may complain. But it gives me a nice sense of accomplishment.
- Bugzee! I just love that little guy.
- All of my neices and nephews. I love those kids. Proudest aunt EVER.
- The people I love, doing what they should. Yes, even if that means leaving for two years.. ;]
- Down comforters.
- A good spin class! Love them.
- My parents. I may be growing out of the "they don't know anything" stage.. a tiny bit.. and they are becoming two of my best friends.
- On that note, my siblings. I love them! I hope I can someday be a hybrid person of all of their great qualities.
- My green room. Cam and I painted it, and I still love it! ... Just need to decorate it now.
- My little mazda 626. He is a great little car, and has given me little problems.
- My job! I seriously could not ask for a better job, managers, and co-workers. Benefits too! ;]
- Goals. Though sometimes they seem out of reach.. It makes me happy to know I have great things in store.
- Water. Is there anything more refreshing?
- Hot showers/baths on a cold winter night.
- My friends, I don't get to see them as often as I would like. But I love them, and am so grateful for them.
- The Gospel! I am just constantly amazed by the direction and comfort that it brings to my life.
-Talents! I love disovering other peoples talents, as well as my own.
- Cameron  Dale Ricker, makes me a very happy girl. Always :] even on my crankiest of days.
- Cams Family! I seriously adore them. They are so much fun. and SO welcoming.
- Chapstick.
- Pedicures/Manicures... Pampering is always nice.

There is so much! This list could be forever long but I will end it here. I am such a lucky girl, and so blessed. How could I be unhappy with all that I have to make me happy and all I have to be grateful for?


  1. Cute Klats, I love it! We are greatful for you too! That is a great list!

  2. Your a good girl Katie Kat. You are already better than all of your siblings!! What can I do to help make you happy. I have NO problem sending you one if those ADORABLE nephews of yours. He would LOVE to see Aunt Katie Kat!!

  3. I would love a certain little boy shipped right down to me!! And definately some moffitt cousins on the way! Love you guys!
