Girls trip 2010

Well today Is Sunday and I just returned from out annual (well for the past two years) mini girls trip up to Park City for Swiss days! ... No, we are not swiss.

It was a lot of fun shopping with all my sisters and Mother, even though I have had just about enough crafty booths to tide me over for about another year.. Maybe longer. We stayed in the Park City Marriott thanks to my Job here at the Marriott... I guess those 3-11 shifts are paying off real nicely. We shopped Lots, Ate lots, walked lots, laughed lots, and slept a little. It was a fun little trip and I appreciate them waiting a day for me so I could come up after work! As well as those who covered my shifts for me this weekend :]

I sure do love my mom and seeesters. We are all so close and I love that. I feel like I can talk to any of them about anything and they are all full of great advice. I love it! *sigh*... What a good weekend. Nice to get away and take my mind off of a few different things for a few days. And we all know what "things" I am talking about.... Needless to say the 8 hour flight to DC was horrific. The call when he landed saftely was great! But as Katelyn so kindly pointed out tonight... There will be no call after the flight to Brazil... and I will be wondering for weeks if he made it alive.As well as many, many more hours than 8 to wait for a call from him. Thanks Katelyn.

I would apologize for always talking about him. But I'm not going to. You try dating him, and sending him away for two years, and try, just try not to talk about him constantly. ;]

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