Life according to everybody's Iphones...but mine.

Happy Birthday To Me!! 
Well, I finally did it. I made it two decades and it's about time.
I feel like a completely different person and stuff.... 
No, just kidding. I feel exactly the same. However I do feel like more of a basket case. 
Is there such thing as a 20 year old crisis? 

For my birthday celebration, Katelyn and I decided to get together with a couple of our friends and rough it!
Who better then Spencer and Clay? Spence has been our friend for over six years now so we knew we could count on him to fend off the bears...and build fires and such. Though we froze, soaked our only bread, and got kicked off of our perfect campsite for danger of falling trees...we had a total blast and it was definitely a birthday to remember! 

Katelyn and I have been of course, working on our summer tans. Seeing each other whenever possible. It's difficult between jobs, family and different dates! hahaha wow, do we sound attached yet? 

Fathers day weekend was a blast!
Mom, Dad, Kenz and I headed up to So. Cal for cousin Steve's temple sealing. 
We met up with Christian and cute Ang, as well as a good portion of Dad's side for the Angels game Saturday night! What's better than family, baseball players, and $20 nachos? 
Nothing I tell ya. 

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