Take Me Back.

I know that I have not even blogged about the last half of my Thailand adventures--and I will get to that. But I feel like I need to blog at this moment, about how much I miss it. The last month in Thailand was incredible. Easily one of the best months of my life, but trying at the same time. Summer term had just started, meaning that we got about a bazillion new kids and our class sizes more than doubled. It seemed like we were teaching less, and babysitting more and the days were long. But slowly we started to see progress with the new kids and that was so rewarding! Our last month we got to go on our long vacation to Phuket and that was amazing. Diannas parents got to come visit, and Neil as well. We got to spend one more long weekend in Chiang Mai, and though we weren't crazy about going for a 3rd time--we could not be more grateful we did. It was the perfect ending to a perfect four months. 

There is so much I miss about Thailand. I miss that every day was something just a little bit different. I miss starting off each day the same way--Angee waking up...then Shayla, Marci and then I. We'd eat toast and granola or yogurt. We didn't talk much--none of us were morning people. I miss more than I can even explain the little "Teacha, Teacha!" as we walked into our classrooms and Nest saying with his little fingers pinched close together... "Scoot little bit.." hahaha it only took half the semester to figure out what he was saying! I miss the bike rides and the smoothies, the street markets and spending time with Tang and her family. Swimming at the garden home and flat bike tires. I miss the friendliness of complete strangers and the looks we'd get for being white, ha! I miss trying new things and appreciating the familiar things back home that we'd miss. I miss our roomie talks and dinner time sitting around the table for hours sometimes just laughing and making up crazy scenerios. Napping for hours, all of us on the floor, in front of our only fan. Mostly though, I miss how simple life was. We had the necessities, our kiddos, us teachers and a few Baht...and we were perfectly happy. 

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