
Turn off brain. Let me sleep. Let me stop thinking. Especially about this.. :|

Manic Mondays..

5:30am....Alarm goes off, time to go to the gym. Spin! ... nah, Im think i'll sleep here with the pup. He's just so darn cute.

6:30am....Regretting not going to spin, up anyways with the puppy. He has to go potty. I think I walked outside without any pants on...

8:30am.... Shooooot, I was supposed to wake up at eight.

9:45am....Speeeeeding down the freeway, I will make it on time to class.


10-11am... Political science, getting all worked up. Thanks a lot political science major boyfriend...

11-12am....Math Canceled!! What a nice suprise, off to the library to read about affirmative action.

11:15am.... I HATE affirmative action.

12:00pm....Humanities... not much to say here, talked about Adam and Eve?

1-2:15pm...Creative writing, oh how I love this class. Love, Love, Love. Any suggestions for a short 8 page story?

2:30pm....Taco bell before work. Baaad idea.

3:00pm-11:00pm... Work. Funnies, creepers, witches, homework, bored, bored.

12:33am.... Blog.

Sucessfull day I'd say.
Sure do miss the boy :|

"Your Welcome Enjoy Your Stay!" ... "You too!"

....No Ma'am, actually I work here and in fact will not actually be "staying" here. .... Is what I would have liked to say, but did not.

A Last Hoorah!

The weekend right before school started Katelyn, Bo, Cam and myself decided to take a trip to Salt Lake for a little R&R before we hit the books and Cam hits well..another country for two years?... However, there was little rest, and almost zero relaxation. But tons of fun, and I'm okay with fun.

This was how our weekend started out. Rain. But good thing we were prepared in our shorts & Sandals...
Bo Drove. Though he was a little nervous at times. He did a great job of keeping us alive.
We hit up Ikea to wait for the strom to pass as well as wait for Cam to get into town. We explored it's many... manny isle of cheap home decore. "This table is $10!! This TABLE!" ..Katelyn and I know where we are going to decorate our first appartment.

We spent some time on the Moon.

And spent a lot of time downtown and at Temple Square, Bo's first time! Believe it or not, this was the same day! So weird, the rain cleared right up!

The next day we did Lagoon from open to close. Exhausting, and hottt.. and at times nausiating. But soo much fun,

Oh yeah, we conquored our fears while we were at it.

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."

And ended the weekend with a new puppy. What a great way to end the Summer.
Thanks Tay for letting us all crash at your place!

Puppy Breath and Pool Vomit.

Oh, hey there. I am just sitting here at work attempting to wake up, and for some reason have loads on my mind, I think that carried over from last night. So here, welcome to my brain.

- My puppy, who is now a week old of me having him and still has no name.. woke me up this morning with a nice heavy dose of puppy breath. Usually I think puppy breath is cute, not at 6 in the morning.
- Jared, the maintence man just informed me that someone threw up in the pool last night. Sick.
- Pondering where I want to go to school for nursing, it is definately not dixie.
- Cam Leaves in 39 days. Yes, 39 days.
- I really want some of that hot chocolate that man is getting! Yummmy.
- As much as I don't want it to be Cams farewell.. I'm so ready for that weekend to see him and his family.
- My new baby Neice due in January is going to be named Addison, isn't that cute! I love that name.
- My English assignment for the weekend, go out to dinner. How nice is that?
- Hahaha this little boy standing in front of me a few feet, is so cute.
- I have decided I am done. Hear me? Done. Sending missionaries out after October 6th.  So i'm sticking to those who have already returned from missions.. however, that runs the risk of marriage. So forget that, guess I will just not date :]
- Oh look! only 7 more hours of work, perfect!
-I wonder if these guests even think I left, I left work when they went to bed, and here I am when they wake up! Goooood Morning Sir or Ma'am
-Cam is going shooting with Chase this morning, I hope he doesn't shoot his eye out!
- It's time to get back to work. And to read my book. And to figure out a name for my beloved puppy. :]
- Awww man... The hot chocolate machine is out of order..

I Love To See The Temple...

Cam Is currently at the Boise Temple... How strange is this. 41 Days.

Puppy Love.

Last weekend Cam got me a tiny puppy! I had decided long ago that I wanted a puppy in place of a promise ring ;] Never ever did I think he would actually go through with it!! This is my new favorite little guy, still nameless however. He is a Bug, a mix of a Pug and a Boston and I am completely in love...

10 Things I love about the Bug..
#1: He is TINY!
#2: He still has puppy breath.
#3: He hops when we play, he has some mad hops.
#4: His big googly eyes.
#5: The fact Cam got him for me.
#6: He sleeps all the time.
#7: He is doing so good at potty training!
#8: He is a big cuddler.
#9: He loves to play.
#10: He has nice sharp healthy teeth... ouch.


Dreams are the so interesting to me. I am one of those people that almost always remembers their dreams and I love that, I like being able to think about them the next morning; on nights I do not dream, I am often dissapointed and consider it a "boring" sleep haha. Last nights dream really touched me and I can not stop thinking about it. In my dream I was with Cameron, and we were going to my friends farewell. Going into the farewell I did not know who's it was, I just knew they were my friend. We were late so everyone was walking out as we were walking in, and I was listening to everyone talk about what an amazing farewell it was, eager to see just who's farewell it was we hurried into the chapel. I walked in, and immediately locked eyes with my friend Chantz Drake. Chantz Drake took his life back in April, we went to school together for a number of years and he was always there on my bad days to cheer me up and make me laugh. Anyways, we locked eyes and immediately both started crying. I fell into his arms just hugging him and bawling. He said something about how everything will be okay, how he will miss everyone but this is what he is supposed to do. In my dream I was fully aware that he was no longer actually with us, and could not control the tears. I just cried and cried. Eventually he hugged me one last time, assured me everything would be okay, and walked away. Cameron was immediately at my side holding me while I continued to cry, trying to comfort me the best he could. And then I woke up. It was so real, I woke up almost feeling emotionally drained. My dreams are never the floating on clouds, surreal type of dreams. They are often very realistic and thought provoking. But I sometimes wonder if there is actually something behind them.. hmm..

56 Days.

“You are one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You're my love and my best friend. And every day that goes by, it seems like I discover something new about you to love. It's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life. You touch my heart in a way I never knew before. I discover something new about you to love. It's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life.”
- Anon.
Tonight was so much fun! It is almost 1 o'clock and I just got back from seeing Tarzan at Tuchan. Soo good! I loved it! Tanner Young (Camerons best friend) and his family came down to go see it and stayed at the Marriott where I work so they invited me to come along to see it since for once I was not working. I am so glad I took the time to go see it, I have heard it was great but never thought I would see it simply because I was too busy. I think the best thing about the show was the costumes, they were so abstract and interesting that I was constantly entertained, even Tarzans 'lack of' costume was great ;] There were monkeys flying all over above the crowd which was very fun and the whole atmosphere was great. Plus, I LOVE the disney movie tarzan, though the play was a little different. Anyways, I would reccomend this for anyone to go see, young and old. It was awesome and I would definately go see it again! Thanks Youngs for the invite!

Bucket List.

- Travel Abroad
- April Spring Triathlon
- Married in the Temple (Manti)
- Write a book
- RN
- Kids

- EFY counselor
- Travel to Egypt
- Swim w/dolphins OR sharks.. terrifying.
- Mission, now, or later.
- Move out
- Take all Nieces & Nephews on a trip.
-Mediteranian cruise.
- Volunteer in a 3rd world country.
- Meet a celebrity
- Lady Gaga concert be continued.