Puppy Love.

Last weekend Cam got me a tiny puppy! I had decided long ago that I wanted a puppy in place of a promise ring ;] Never ever did I think he would actually go through with it!! This is my new favorite little guy, still nameless however. He is a Bug, a mix of a Pug and a Boston and I am completely in love...

10 Things I love about the Bug..
#1: He is TINY!
#2: He still has puppy breath.
#3: He hops when we play, he has some mad hops.
#4: His big googly eyes.
#5: The fact Cam got him for me.
#6: He sleeps all the time.
#7: He is doing so good at potty training!
#8: He is a big cuddler.
#9: He loves to play.
#10: He has nice sharp healthy teeth... ouch.

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