Puppy Breath and Pool Vomit.

Oh, hey there. I am just sitting here at work attempting to wake up, and for some reason have loads on my mind, I think that carried over from last night. So here, welcome to my brain.

- My puppy, who is now a week old of me having him and still has no name.. woke me up this morning with a nice heavy dose of puppy breath. Usually I think puppy breath is cute, not at 6 in the morning.
- Jared, the maintence man just informed me that someone threw up in the pool last night. Sick.
- Pondering where I want to go to school for nursing, it is definately not dixie.
- Cam Leaves in 39 days. Yes, 39 days.
- I really want some of that hot chocolate that man is getting! Yummmy.
- As much as I don't want it to be Cams farewell.. I'm so ready for that weekend to see him and his family.
- My new baby Neice due in January is going to be named Addison, isn't that cute! I love that name.
- My English assignment for the weekend, go out to dinner. How nice is that?
- Hahaha this little boy standing in front of me a few feet, is so cute.
- I have decided I am done. Hear me? Done. Sending missionaries out after October 6th.  So i'm sticking to those who have already returned from missions.. however, that runs the risk of marriage. So forget that, guess I will just not date :]
- Oh look! only 7 more hours of work, perfect!
-I wonder if these guests even think I left, I left work when they went to bed, and here I am when they wake up! Goooood Morning Sir or Ma'am
-Cam is going shooting with Chase this morning, I hope he doesn't shoot his eye out!
- It's time to get back to work. And to read my book. And to figure out a name for my beloved puppy. :]
- Awww man... The hot chocolate machine is out of order..

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