Manic Mondays..

5:30am....Alarm goes off, time to go to the gym. Spin! ... nah, Im think i'll sleep here with the pup. He's just so darn cute.

6:30am....Regretting not going to spin, up anyways with the puppy. He has to go potty. I think I walked outside without any pants on...

8:30am.... Shooooot, I was supposed to wake up at eight.

9:45am....Speeeeeding down the freeway, I will make it on time to class.


10-11am... Political science, getting all worked up. Thanks a lot political science major boyfriend...

11-12am....Math Canceled!! What a nice suprise, off to the library to read about affirmative action.

11:15am.... I HATE affirmative action.

12:00pm....Humanities... not much to say here, talked about Adam and Eve?

1-2:15pm...Creative writing, oh how I love this class. Love, Love, Love. Any suggestions for a short 8 page story?

2:30pm....Taco bell before work. Baaad idea.

3:00pm-11:00pm... Work. Funnies, creepers, witches, homework, bored, bored.

12:33am.... Blog.

Sucessfull day I'd say.
Sure do miss the boy :|

1 comment:

  1. Whewwww, what a day! How was your first day of college!! So exciting!! Your a big college girl now.
