Tonight was so much fun! It is almost 1 o'clock and I just got back from seeing Tarzan at Tuchan. Soo good! I loved it! Tanner Young (Camerons best friend) and his family came down to go see it and stayed at the Marriott where I work so they invited me to come along to see it since for once I was not working. I am so glad I took the time to go see it, I have heard it was great but never thought I would see it simply because I was too busy. I think the best thing about the show was the costumes, they were so abstract and interesting that I was constantly entertained, even Tarzans 'lack of' costume was great ;] There were monkeys flying all over above the crowd which was very fun and the whole atmosphere was great. Plus, I LOVE the disney movie tarzan, though the play was a little different. Anyways, I would reccomend this for anyone to go see, young and old. It was awesome and I would definately go see it again! Thanks Youngs for the invite!

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