
Dreams are the so interesting to me. I am one of those people that almost always remembers their dreams and I love that, I like being able to think about them the next morning; on nights I do not dream, I am often dissapointed and consider it a "boring" sleep haha. Last nights dream really touched me and I can not stop thinking about it. In my dream I was with Cameron, and we were going to my friends farewell. Going into the farewell I did not know who's it was, I just knew they were my friend. We were late so everyone was walking out as we were walking in, and I was listening to everyone talk about what an amazing farewell it was, eager to see just who's farewell it was we hurried into the chapel. I walked in, and immediately locked eyes with my friend Chantz Drake. Chantz Drake took his life back in April, we went to school together for a number of years and he was always there on my bad days to cheer me up and make me laugh. Anyways, we locked eyes and immediately both started crying. I fell into his arms just hugging him and bawling. He said something about how everything will be okay, how he will miss everyone but this is what he is supposed to do. In my dream I was fully aware that he was no longer actually with us, and could not control the tears. I just cried and cried. Eventually he hugged me one last time, assured me everything would be okay, and walked away. Cameron was immediately at my side holding me while I continued to cry, trying to comfort me the best he could. And then I woke up. It was so real, I woke up almost feeling emotionally drained. My dreams are never the floating on clouds, surreal type of dreams. They are often very realistic and thought provoking. But I sometimes wonder if there is actually something behind them.. hmm..

1 comment:

  1. Wow Katie! That was an interesting dream. Yet spiritual at the same time. God really does work in mysterious ways. Love you!
