..No, not the musical group.
This girl has been MIA for about a week
to the blogging world that is.
so sad.
I have hardly missed a day since starting this baby.
but life takes over sometimes,
and blogging gets put on the back...back..
back burner.
I'll sum it up quickly.
Prayers and Scriptures stil await!

  • Took the dreaded ACT.... 20! Hey, I'll take it.
  • Have started attending college ward regularly.
  • LOVE it.
  • Midterms already? And February over? Woah.
  • Road tripped to SLC (still need to post pics)
  • Some scary news from the Ricker Fam :/
  • Bugzee is getting to be a giant.
  • Sure does look handsome in his new collar though!
  • My frist triathlon riiiight around the corner.
  • Getting ready to send in U application!
  • Friends boy left for Japan today! Yay Preston!
  • Letter from Brazil today! Exactly what I needed.
  • 5 months this week!
  • He is a full fledged missionary. so cute :]
  • Fun with old friends and new!

As you can tell, things have been a liittle Crasy.
Trying to keep up is getting exhausting.
But it sure is keeping me busy and focused.
And that is just what I need right now.
But for now,
I am going to read my scriptures,
say my prayers.
And cuddle up with my little pup and head to bed!
Night sportsfans!

...and then there was water. Lots of it.

This is what the Jensen household looked like today.
terrible, horrible flood waters spread like rapid fire.
Or at least that is what I guess happend.
Mom and I walked in the door,
And saw a nice steady sheet of water over our whole house.
Unfortunately I had to run off to work
leaving the mess to Mom and Dad after snaping some quick photos
Now I'm cooped up in the guest bedroom.
Instead of my own lovely bed.
And poor little Bugzee Can't even sleep with me in here.
It's going to be a lonely night all around.
And despite all the rain.
That is not why we flooded.
Stinkin Dish-washer pipe.
You owe me new Carpet. 

Do you...

Ever have those days where you just take a step back, and take a look at everything you have?
And then you realize.
I have so much in my life to be grateful for.
And it is seriously so incredibly humbling.
Because you realize
as hard as things sometimes seem
you still have your family.
Your friends.
The people you love most.
And your Heavenly Father.
And they love you.
And then you realize, if  you've got that,
How could everything not work out?
And then you think to yourself.
I've got a fantastic Life.

Well, Tonight I did.
And it was great :]
Goodnight sportsfans!


Home sick in bed.
Come on immune system, how about you stop sucking? 


Happy Valentines Day Sportsfans!
I am going to keep this short and simple.
Because I am flippin exhausted.

Last year I spent Valentines like this:
Can I just say I LOVE Cams face in this?
It's the "You've gone a tad overboard...again" Face. 

This year... I spent it a little differently

Was completely suprised by some Darling flowers sent to my house
Via Camerons request.
His parents sent them to me.
"With all my love, from Brazil!"
A creative little idea Mom came up with for Cam.
We took this "Family picture"
To email to Cam...
Since his Valentines Package will surely take a millenium to get there.

And I spent the evening with a handsome man that I love!
I gave some Valentines to loved ones.
Had a fairly productive day.
I got two letters in the Mail this afternoon.
And I am getting to bed before 1am!

..And ya know what?
It was a great day.

I just Love this.


Today I was at Walmart picking up a few essentials.
Trying to find a few simple things I could mail to Brazil.
....things that would get there in one piece.
And not be too corny.
But let's be honest. I failed.
I just love the corny-ness of Valentimes.
Poor Cameron.
As I was in the card Isle,
rummaging through ridiculous Valentines Cards
I noticed these two.. .

Tell me this is not the cutest sight to behold.
Yes, I was definately a creeper and snuck a picture.
I am in love.
I hope one day my husband spends a significant amount of minutes,
in the card isle.... attempting to find the perfect card.
even when he is about 70+ years of age.
hahahah.... sooo cute.

Post Script.
This is the Card I ended up getting to send to Brazilia!
.... This little guy looks JUST like Bugzee.
I'm betting Cam will be pleasently suprised.

"When we say things like "people don't change" it drives scientist crazy because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy. Matter. It's always changing, morphing, merging, growing, dying. It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting things be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing despite every scientific indication that anything in this lifetime is permanent. Change is constant. How we experience change that's up to us. It can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment we can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, we can be born all over again."

Letter #2

Dear Baby Gavin,

I just spent the last few hours watching you. I don't think I ever have so much fun with an infant as I do with you. I can't get enough of your chubby toes, curly mullet hair, and that flirty little smile.

Tonight when I walked in the door you gave me that questioning look, but as soon as I stretched out my arms and wiggled my fingers you all but flung yourself into my arms immediately giving me a tiny baby gavin hug.

Tonight you toddled around me in the kitchen as I got some snacks for you stretched up your little arms for me to hold you.

Tonight we played basketball with your fisher-price hooop. Your too short to reach it, but I let you pick up the ball and then lifted you to the rim where you slam dunked that bad boy!

Tonight I let you stay up past your bed time...but as soon as you grabbed the blanket on the couch and cuddled your little head into it; I knew you were all tuckered out. 

Tonight I fought every urge to go and get you out of your crib and just hold you while you slept. 

I love you little Budders. 

Aunt Katie-Kat
Dear Brazil,
It has been far too long since this girl
recieved a letter from her boy.
I would appreciate it if something was done.
Update your mail system possibly?
Please let me know if I can be of assistance.
Please keep him safe :]



Super Bowl XLV

Awww Yeah.

FOUR he's a jolly good fellow!

There are 4 Seasons
4 quarters in a dollar.
4 corners on a square. 
There are 4 leafs on a lucky clover.
Obviously 2+2=4
Some may be called "4 eyes"
4 "ha's" in a funny moment.

But most importantly..
FOUR Months down for CDR.
This is progress sportsfans.

"You're such a Guy"

I heard this song on my way to class this morning; and it made me laugh. Cam and I always see the same thing, but have completely different ideas on it's purpose/interpritation/etc. Could it be gender related? I'd say so. This one time In particular. We were here at Trolly square out to dinner. We were outside waiting for the car to be driven up (Mr. Suave did Valet this particular night) I glanced up the water tower and this is what ensued...

Ms: "Lets Climb to the top of that water tower!!"
Mr: "Okay! And throw things at people?!"
Ms:..." Noo..and kiss!"
Mr: "You are such a girl"

We never ended up on the water tower.
To throw things at people.
Or kiss.

Au revoir!

This weekend..
You can find me here..
Watching this..
Getting this..
Making appearances here..
(Wretchid..I know)
Visiting this cute family.
(Sorry Jeff and Doe.. you obviously come after the infants ;]) 
Seriously, who raised the child on the left? 
I did not sit like that when I was six.  
Hangin' with these coo peeps..
"Road*trippin" with this girl.

Needless to say.
It's going to be a good weekend.
Better start packing!

Letter #1

Dear Mom and Dad,

You guys are the best ever. I know everyone thinks that about their parents, but they are wrong.. because I have you! I am amazed every day at how I can screw up, be a pain in the rear, be selfish and self centered and you guys are always there with open arms willing to forgive me. You two are two of my very best friends. I love having the three of us home just hanging out doing silly things. Even though I say I am ready to move out, I will miss my mommy and daddy like crazy and I am sure it will be a very difficult transition. I also want to thank you for giving me five of my very best friends and raising us all so good. You two are amazing, unselfish, hard working, strong, spiritual giants,  and each of us can feel your unconditional love every day.

So happy February Mom and Dad, I love you!!
Sally Sue. 

Love Letters.

What month is more lovey-dovey than February?
No Month!
So In honor of all the love floating around..
"Love Letters" are headed your way sports fans.
And just to be clear..
Here is the Urban Dictionary definition of a
"love letter"

Love Letters:
Letters that show the way you feel about someone. To show that you care and to make them feel loved.
Stay tuned!