Letter #2

Dear Baby Gavin,

I just spent the last few hours watching you. I don't think I ever have so much fun with an infant as I do with you. I can't get enough of your chubby toes, curly mullet hair, and that flirty little smile.

Tonight when I walked in the door you gave me that questioning look, but as soon as I stretched out my arms and wiggled my fingers you all but flung yourself into my arms immediately giving me a tiny baby gavin hug.

Tonight you toddled around me in the kitchen as I got some snacks for you stretched up your little arms for me to hold you.

Tonight we played basketball with your fisher-price hooop. Your too short to reach it, but I let you pick up the ball and then lifted you to the rim where you slam dunked that bad boy!

Tonight I let you stay up past your bed time...but as soon as you grabbed the blanket on the couch and cuddled your little head into it; I knew you were all tuckered out. 

Tonight I fought every urge to go and get you out of your crib and just hold you while you slept. 

I love you little Budders. 

Aunt Katie-Kat

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