
Happy Valentines Day Sportsfans!
I am going to keep this short and simple.
Because I am flippin exhausted.

Last year I spent Valentines like this:
Can I just say I LOVE Cams face in this?
It's the "You've gone a tad overboard...again" Face. 

This year... I spent it a little differently

Was completely suprised by some Darling flowers sent to my house
Via Camerons request.
His parents sent them to me.
"With all my love, from Brazil!"
A creative little idea Mom came up with for Cam.
We took this "Family picture"
To email to Cam...
Since his Valentines Package will surely take a millenium to get there.

And I spent the evening with a handsome man that I love!
I gave some Valentines to loved ones.
Had a fairly productive day.
I got two letters in the Mail this afternoon.
And I am getting to bed before 1am!

..And ya know what?
It was a great day.

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