Letter #1

Dear Mom and Dad,

You guys are the best ever. I know everyone thinks that about their parents, but they are wrong.. because I have you! I am amazed every day at how I can screw up, be a pain in the rear, be selfish and self centered and you guys are always there with open arms willing to forgive me. You two are two of my very best friends. I love having the three of us home just hanging out doing silly things. Even though I say I am ready to move out, I will miss my mommy and daddy like crazy and I am sure it will be a very difficult transition. I also want to thank you for giving me five of my very best friends and raising us all so good. You two are amazing, unselfish, hard working, strong, spiritual giants,  and each of us can feel your unconditional love every day.

So happy February Mom and Dad, I love you!!
Sally Sue. 

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