..No, not the musical group.
This girl has been MIA for about a week
to the blogging world that is.
so sad.
I have hardly missed a day since starting this baby.
but life takes over sometimes,
and blogging gets put on the back...back..
back burner.
I'll sum it up quickly.
Prayers and Scriptures stil await!

  • Took the dreaded ACT.... 20! Hey, I'll take it.
  • Have started attending college ward regularly.
  • LOVE it.
  • Midterms already? And February over? Woah.
  • Road tripped to SLC (still need to post pics)
  • Some scary news from the Ricker Fam :/
  • Bugzee is getting to be a giant.
  • Sure does look handsome in his new collar though!
  • My frist triathlon riiiight around the corner.
  • Getting ready to send in U application!
  • Friends boy left for Japan today! Yay Preston!
  • Letter from Brazil today! Exactly what I needed.
  • 5 months this week!
  • He is a full fledged missionary. so cute :]
  • Fun with old friends and new!

As you can tell, things have been a liittle Crasy.
Trying to keep up is getting exhausting.
But it sure is keeping me busy and focused.
And that is just what I need right now.
But for now,
I am going to read my scriptures,
say my prayers.
And cuddle up with my little pup and head to bed!
Night sportsfans!

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